ZAMBIA risks losing its sovereignty due to the huge debt contracted by President Edgar Lungu’s administration, says NDC vice-president Josephs Akafumba.

In an interview, Akafumba, a former justice permanent secretary, said it was scary to hear former finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane warning of imminent legal suits against the country over debt default.

Dr Musokotwane, who is Liuwa UPND member of parliament, also says there will be more economic pain on citizens resulting from the failure.

Recently creditors refused to accept government’s proposal for a possible six-month suspension of interest payments on all debt.

Finance minister Bwalya Ng’andu told creditors at a meeting that the country owed about US $18.5 billion in debt.

“What Musokotwane simply meant is that we are in a big problem, we are in a volcano and it is getting hotter and hotter as it nears eruption. At the rate of the debt heat, we risk losing our sovereignty due to the huge debt contracted by President Edgar Lungu, especially if Zambians don’t show the PF an exit door next year,” Akafumba said.

He added that if PF wins next year, Zambia would be in a lot of trouble and it would take over 50 years to come out of the situation.

“These guys are ruthless, they have put Zambians in a very bad state,” Akafumba, a lawyer, said.

He also said the PF has no regard for the rule of law or good governance.

Akafumba added that the sooner the PF vacated power the better for Zambia.

“I appeal to all Zambians to register as voters so that we can best show them what we really feel. We must send a clear message that Zambia is not for a few people who walk the corridors of State House. We must show them that Zambia is for all, be it those in Shangombo, Dundumwezi, Siavonga, Mansa, Ikeleng’i, Mawaya in Kalomo or in Navutika Compound in Chipata,” he said.

Akafumba said the PF had a lot to answer in terms of poor governance, which had ended up eroding Zambia’s democratic gains.

“We started out very well and I can assure you that Sir Michael Sata was not going to allow what is happening under Mr Edgar Lungu’s PF. He would have allowed all to be free to campaign, demonstrate and even walk to State House,” said Akafumba.


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