There are times when one wishes certain news items, especially coming from the highest office, are just rumors and false but this is Zambia, it’s the opposite, all the bad news is actually very true and endorsed by very high leaders in the Country.

One wonders what rationale they use to arrive at a decision as bad as giving condemned prisoners a two weeks break to go and meet their families, have conjugal rights with their wives, and take themselves back to Maximum Correctional Facilities where they are condemned for life.

A Serial Killer or a Serial Rapist actually loves to do what they do. Most of them are heavily addicted to that and it provides a thrill similar to a sexual orgasm.

A serial killer loves to see someone die. To see someone gasp for air and beg for their lives is what a serial killer desires to see each time they commit a murder. This gives them such an unexplainable feeling that you cannot describe as a normal person.

These murder and raping addicts are the ones we must now mingle with in society like everything is normal…how?

Let’s look at it this way, from January to December, we will be having at least a group of prisoners on a two weeks break somewhere in Zambia, who will monitor them, who will ensure they go back to prison, and at whose cost will they travel to and fro?

Is this, therefore, an endorsement of murders and chaos by our very own Government against its own people? Is our Government telling us that our lives don’t matter at all as long as they get their much needed vote?

There is a reason why these condemned prisoners are removed from society because they failed to live amongst us, and there is no guarantee that they can now manage to blend back in with little to no damage.

We therefore strongly advise the Head of State to rescind this horrible law immediately because this is a fire He and the Police cannot manage to quench once it erupts.


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