people of Luangwa have given PF the vote because of the reconciliation route the party has taken- Brian Mundubile

Brian Mundubile


…….as he boasts that the people of Luangwa have given PF the vote because of the reconciliation route the party has taken

Lusaka…. Friday, September 16, 2022 (Smart Eagles)

The outcome of the Luangwa Town Council Chairperson by-election has thrilled leader of the opposition in Parliament Brian Mundubile.

Addressing the media at Parliament today, Hon Mundubile said the election results have provided answers as to whether PF is still strong or not.

He also insinuated that the results have shown that people are not satisfied with the way UPND has so far governed the country.

PF’s Lawrence Shaba yesterday carried the day in the said elections.

“Colleagues we had elections in Luangwa….elections are very important to any political party. Elections are used to measure performances. You have asked us questions to say, is your party growing? Others have asked questions to say how have the UPND performed in the last 12 months? So answers such as these would come through an earliest election,” he said.

“For the UPND’s performance for the last 12 months, the answer is what you got in Luangwa. So if anybody wanted to speculate and bring in other answers, the answer is that he people of Luangwa have spoken through an election. That is what elections do.”

Hon Mundubile boasted that the people of Luangwa have given PF the vote because of the reconciliation route they have taken.

He however said the same people are not pleased with UPND due to the promises that have remained unattended to.

“Elections give feedback on how political parties are performing. For us as a party that lost power 12 months ago, a party that went back to the people, humbled ourselves to the people and apologized for the mistakes that we have made, and began to make amends, the people of Luangwa have given us feedback that the method that we have taken to reconcile and go back and rebrand ourselves, the people of Luangwa have accepted,” he said.

“On the other hand, the UPND, with all the machinery, with all the energy, with all the violence, the people of Zambia through electorates in Zambia have said this is not what we voted for. They have said the campaign promises have remained unattended to. The people of Luangwa amplifying the message on the fight against corruption.”


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