…….this shows how scared the UPND Government is of the biggest opposition party

LUSAKA ……25th April, 2023. [Smart Eagles]

The Patriotic Front party has accused the UPND Government of Pilling pressure on the registrar of Societies to deregister the PF.

PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Hon. Raphael Mangani Nakacinda said this has been necessitated because the UPND is scared of the PF, A party that has remained strong regardless of the efforts made to victimise members through tramped up court charges.

His remarks come in the Wake of a notice served of the intention by the Registrar of societies to deregister the Patriotic Front for not availing a full and complete list of the Party Office bearers.

And Hon Nakacinda said while the party will comply with the provisions of the law like always, it does not expect administrative issues to become fundamental to even threaten deregistration.

He has since described the threats to deregister the PF as a shame and an assault on Democracy.

“The issue of office bearers requiring to submit their finger print is an administrative issue that all was required by the registrar of society was to just write a letter requiring those things. But this shows that the UPND are scared of the Patriotic Front because the party has remained strong regardless of the efforts made to victimise members and inconvenience people with tramped up charges in court,” he said.

Hon Nakacinda has stated that such attempts have been made in the past and backfired on the Governmemt.

He said it is therefore a shame that Zambia has a Government of the UPND that has continued to embarrass itself.

“At this particular stage, the Zambian people do not expect the registrar of society threatening to deregister the biggest opposition party the PF,” he said.

Hon Nakacinda has since advised Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal security permanent Secretary Joseph Akafumba to stop pressing undue pressure on the registrar of Societies.


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