NGOCC deeply concerned by the threatened cancellation of the registration of PF



THE Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) is deeply concerned by the threatened cancellation of the registration of the Patriotic Front (P F) political party by the Registrar of Societies and is urging the former ruling party to urgently address the compliance issues raised so as to ensure the party remains a legal entity in the interest of the country’s democracy.

Zambia’s Constitution which states that we are a democratic and multi-party State, recognizes the important role of political parties in the governance of the country.

The important role of political parties in the country’s democratic governance system cannot be over-emphasised. It is against this background that we remain concerned with the threatened cancelation of the registration of the Patriotic Front as it would negate the democratic gains made by the country.

While recognizing the legitimate role of the Registrar of Societies to promote compliance of Societies, it is our considered view that this must not be to the detriment of the country’s democracy as espoused in the Republican Constitution.

State institutions such as the Registrar of Societies should be more concerned about deepening the country’s democratic culture. As opposed to threatening de-registration, the Registrar should instead be supporting Societies, including the PF to ensure that they are compliant in the best interest of democracy and good governance.

As already stated, Zambia is a multi-party state and the de-registration of the PF has the potential to negatively affect the citizen’s right to freedom of Association which is guaranteed by the Constitution.

We also urge political parties to ensure that they fulfil their legal requirements as provided by the Societies Act Chapter 119 of the laws of Zambia so that they are not found wanting and ultimately disadvantage the Zambian people.

The leadership of the PF should as a matter of urgency submit the requirements as demanded by the Registrar of Societies.

It is our hope that all political parties, including the governing party, the United Party for National Development (UPND), are compliant with the provisions of the Societies Act.

As the women’s movement we are keenly following the implementation of the rule of law and its unbiased enforcement in the present and future.


Grace M Sinkamba



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