The Holy Truth: 12 Reasons Why HH will continue receiving more A+ honorary doctorates from London, New York, Paris and Ottawa- Dr. Chris Zumani

Chris Zumani
Zumani Zimba

The Holy Truth: 12 Reasons Why HH will continue receiving more A+ honorary doctorates from London, New York, Paris and Ottawa

By Dr. Chris Zumani Zimba


1. Why are universities abroad passionate about awarding HH with honorary doctorates?

2. What is the main motivation behind this scheme of baptizing HH with honorary degrees each year since 2022?

3. And why is HH so eager to receive and celebrate these new degrees while preaching “I don’t want to be called Dr HH but maintain Mr. President”?

4. What explanation do we have for overt silence from our local universities for failing to award HH in similar fashion?

5. While Zambians are taking HH for a political failure as well as father of liars, why are the British treating him as “one of the best African leaders”?

6. Besides many stories they telling us for honoring him, what is the holy truth behind these emerging honorary doctorates on HH’s shoulders?

In this article, I will briefly discuss 12 empirical and perceived facts as follows:

1. When President Robert Mugabe took over power in 1980 in Zimbabwe and agreed to secure and protect the interests of white settlers, he became the darling of London and Washington. In total, 14 honorary doctorates from UK, US, Canada, Australia and everywhere were showered on him. He was being rewarded for being their puppet. When he changed the land policy in 2000 and empowered his people, all Western universities withdrew their honorary degrees from him and thereby dying only as a mere Mr Robert Mugabe. Our President,

2. In 2021 when Jim Risch, a ranking member of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, first met Hakainde Hichilema, he praised him a good leader who “is working hard to curb China’s malign and predatory influence in Zambia as well as increase cooperation with the US”. Based on what he said or committed to do for them, these Americans signed on HH’s forehead as their best puppet in Africa in modern era against Chinese and Russian interests.

3. Despite knowing that all past Zambian presidents refused to accept the United States AFRICA COMMAND (AFRICOM) to set up a presence in the country, HH made a controversial decision to accept and host them. AFRICOM) is a combatant command of the U.S. military operations in fighting regional conflicts and other military cooperation overseas. Although SADC, AU and neighboring nations have opposed it, HH as the lead U.S. puppet has ignored everyone and moved on. This is why Bally is being rewarded as the Dr. HH for them and not us!

4. In December 2022, Zambia’s Dr. Sishuwa Sishuwa lamented that president HH “cut extremely generous tax concession deals with mining multinationals such as First Quantum Minerals (FQM), a Canadian firm that invested in Hichilema’s election as well as made sure the Zambian government relinquished its 20% shareholding stake in the FQM-run Kansanshi Mine in return for a paltry 3% royalty payment on revenue”. To date, Zambia is losing more than U$ 3 Billion Dollars in revenue annually due to the UPND’s tax holidays to foreign mining companies like FQM.

5. In December, 2023, the people of Mpika mourned angrily through their MP, Hon. Francis Kapyanga after discovering that HH had covertly betrayed them and their ancestors by selling over 120,000 hectares of land around Kanyelele gold rich area in their district to Canadian foreigners for mining purposes. Apart from being rich with gold and other precious minerals, this land is covering villages, grave yards and farms while traditional leaders and local people were never consulted. Thus, HH’s dealership touch here was both highly undemocratic and unpatriotic gesture.

6. According Socialist Party leader, Dr. Fred M’membe on 5th December, 2023, the UK’ Guardian Newspaper revealed that President HH so far has already sold 10% of Zambia’s forest land to UAE royalists for carbon credits. As nobody knows when and how much is involved, these seem to be secret deals between Bally and his foreigners. Surely, we need to expect more A+ honorary doctorates for HH from everywhere because of such treachery, unpatriotic acts and betrayal!

7. In April 2024, HH illegally sold Zambia’s most valuable copper mine to his business friends from Asia and thereby attracting nationwide condemnation. Even John Sangwa, one of the country’s renowned constitutional lawyers repeatedly protested that “while the Mopani mine deal looked fantastic, its sale to International Resource Holdings (IRH) was illegal and against the Zambian Constitution”. HH sold this huge national asset all by himself without parliamentary approval.

8. Mozambique founding father and Pan Africanists, Samora Machel once said, “If one day you hear whites (Europeans) speak good things about me, just know that I have betrayed you”. Zambians must know that HH is that African politician Samora Machel prophesied against-he is being rewarded with honorary doctorates as a messenger of imperialism, a sold out Western puppet of the highest order only stinking plutocracy and kleptocracy!

9. Last year, HH decreed visa free for all Western travelers coming into Zambia. This year, he has proposed to give citizenship to foreign investors after three years in Zambia. While “The intent of the Zambia National Lands Policy is to reduce the size of land allocated to foreign investors and shorten lease periods,” HH want’s his foreign investors to be getting 99years land lease like Zambians. So, HH has practically put Zambia for sale to the highest bidder.

10. Few days ago, Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) notoriously shocked the entire SADC region after announcing that a Vietnamese investor, a Mr Van Trong Tuy had pledged to invest U$72 billion in Zambia for 7 million hectares of farming land across three provinces with 99 years land lease. While this investment pledge was faked, so politically alarming and factually bogus, HH’s government moved in high gear to celebrate it as another honorary doctorate was smiling in Hanoi for Bally anytime.

11. When HH just became president, Tony Blair was the first high profiled foreign leader to visit him at State House on 29th September, 2021. In the 2024 Zambia’s budget, there is $1million (more than K25 million Kwacha) meant for our President’s foreign Advisory Services- the Tony Blair foundation is the major beneficiaries. This Tony Blair who is a lead global champion of homosexuality, celebrated and awarded in UK, Europe, North America, Australia and everywhere is HH’s foreign advisor. Now you understand why HH is getting honorary degrees in UK.

12. There is Greg Mills, a South African imperialist and Neo colonialist with his Brenthurst foundation mentoring HH at Community House. It is rumored that he is directly responsible for big business decisions favoring the West at State House such as hosting US military AFRICOM and giving big mines tax concessions. Since 2021 when HH came into power, Greg Mills is reported to be the most influential foreign advisor around the Zambian president who is more powerful than all his local aides combined. In return, these the capitalists engineering honorary doctorates around HH today.


On 12th August, 2021, 2.8 million Zambians voted in favour of UPND’s Hakainde Hichilema (HH) and blessed him into power to become Republican President. Three years in power, most of HH’s voters have regretted their decision after realizing that Bally is a sold out Western puppet, a catalyst of plutocracy, the worst imperial agent since independence and a true Judas Iscariot in state house today. That is why, next year, HH is expected to receive more honorary doctorates from universities in New York, Paris, Ottawa and Sydney while Zambians are wallowing in poverty, hunger, starvation, load shedding, high fuel prices, water rationing, high mealie meal prices, and general harsh and high cost of living.

Dr Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021. By philosophical approach, Dr. Zimba is a Pan Africanist as well as Afro-Christian by religion.


  1. Can the presidential spokesperson or media person, whatever the title, confirm or deny what the writer has stated. Surely giving away huge tracts of land to foreigners is not wise and it is unacceptable. The writer has raised some serious issues that urgently need the response of State House/ Community House.

    • If you keep following this Matero pfidiot Dr you’ll just need count up to 12 his favourite number for you to qualify as a pf stupid idiots. It’s your choice??

    • There is need for all members of Parliament and all relevant stakeholders to to take interest in what the author has written about in order to come up with thorough investigations for all these alleged aspects. If these are found to be true then necessary measures should be taken in order to stop these ills happening in our country.

  2. Just attack him on the evidence of plunder which he has outlined.As a patriotic Zambian these revelations are indeed very distressing.

  3. Chakubaba. To hell and your teamate who never appreciate. God will be on the side of HH. Your Saul – ECL who was honored by creating harm to his citizens is finished like in the story of Samuel. Saul vs David wrangles.

  4. Achoka kuchawama ayenda kuchobolya amwa kachaso, chakolwa……elo ati alebwelelapo?

    Chimbwi Indigo, dreams are free, 2026 yours will be a nightmare stupid pfidiot!!!

  5. Nothing has changed in Africa since 1884: Scramble for Africa. If PF or Socialist Party were in Government, China and Russia would be flooding us here in Zambia acquiring huge tracts of land and mining rights and offering honorary degrees to whoever was the Zambian President. It depends on which White face you prefer either from the West or East. As poor Zambians we are just Pawns and will continue having headaches from complaining and blogging. My personal view.


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