By Mwelwa Mwape CIC Private Reporter.



Ambassador Bernard Mpundu went on fire yesterday demanding the end assault on Bemba leaders dating back to Late Mr Simon Mwansakapwepwe, Late Micheal Sata and now they are on Chishimba Kambwili.

Mr Mpundu said that it’s not fair that all the Bemba prominent figures who dare to aspire for leadership are eliminated on political grounds that Dr CK must come out in good health if not Edgar Chagwa Lungu will have to answer to the Bembas.

Mr Mpundu said the coming out of CK to work with the UPND leader Mr Hakahinde Hichilema to work together and better the lives of the people has made Edgar Chagwa Lungu so afraid hence the gimmicks to block, jail, and eliminate his political opponents, he went on to say that Kalaba is also on target just because he is aspiring.

Mr Bernard Mpundu was speaking this in Nsumbu ward yesterday in Chilubi island of Northern province at a rally in drumming up support to the UPND candidate Mr Risto Mushembe saying that the Bembas will rise if anything happens to Dr Chishimba Kambwili.

“Dating back to Simon Mwansakapwepwe, Micheal Chilufya Sata and now Dr Chishimba Kambwili enough of our people being subjected to torture of this manner. When Edgar Lungu comes to Chilubi ask him what crime Chishimba Kambwili has committed to be sentenced to prison that he (Edgar Lungu) has not, Chishimba Kambwili is your son of this Bembaland being a political rival does not mean one has to be eliminated from the race, Edgar Lungu does not want any Bembas to be a leader in this country, he has vowed to keep rulling even if he has no capacity to rule this country, this place Nsumbu ward a child has never seen a car in his or her life, others don’t even know how a hospital or school looks like, Edgar Lungu comes here flying with a chopper instead of making a bridge for this place to connect Chilubi island, Santa Maria and this place but he managed to commission a multi million bridge in Western province because you people here do not matter even if they bring nothing during any election like this it’s better to bring K20 and make you in the queue you will still vote for them” Mpundu charged.

He said Mucheleka Patrick, Elias Mubanga, Samuel Ngwira and Kalusha Bwalya of Kasama and so many more where jailed and are still suffering to go on and on in courts over frivolous charges.

“Right now the UPND President Mr Hakahinde Hichilema has been summoned in Chinsali simply because he cared about your own to go and visit them in prison in Kasama it’s now HH to go and get arrested in Muchinga province” said Mr Mpundu.

And UPND candidate Mr Risto Mushembe said that he will be a thorn on PFs throat once he wins so that they will have no choice but to deliver development to Chilubi instead of taking advantage of the people just corrupting them during the elections, Mr Mushembe said that failure to have sensible representation Chilubi will remain in abject poverty because until UPND representatives gets there there will be no one to speak for Chilubi.

And Chilubi island Campaign manager Mr Edward Roy Makayi told the gathering that he saw PF giving huge money in queues such as K300 and above to every person they find yet still lost but why do they have to be giving you a K20 and that’s it to be a determining factor for elections that they care. Makayi said voting for Risto Mushembe will mean adding a voice in the PF government for the people of Chilubi otherwise they will keep on doing the samething of not considering Chilubi because all that matters is the K20 by Dr Chitalu Chilufya.

“The minister has no shame Chilubi needs quality medical facilities, good clinics and hospitals with well motivated staffs both nurses and doctors, right now how many people can access Chilubi island clinic for medical attention from here Mwanakasabi which took us with a speed boat 4 hours at a high cost in booking the boat?, why can’t Dr Chitalu Chilufya tell the government to construct a clinic or hospital here instead of dishing out K20’s for a by-election ” Makayi wondered.

He urged the people of chilubi island to teach PF a lesson get the K20’s because it’s there’s Dr Chitalu Chilufya stole and went to corrupt electorates but on 22 of October they should turn up in numbers and vote for UPND candidate Mr Risto Mushembe when that is done and next year no matter what PF brings they should all vote for UPND candidates beginning with councillors, Risto Mushembe again as a mayor and Hakahinde Hichilema as the Republican president then the much and long awaited dream bridge will be construed by the UPND government. He said.



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