National Clergy Consultative forum has reaffirmed its commitment to bill 10 adding that it gives assurance to all stakeholders.

Addressing Journalists at a media briefing, forum deputy Publicity Secretary Rev. Barjona Nyirenda has stated that the bill should not be withdrawn as it will be counter-productive , but be proceeded taking into account the submissions made by the select committee .

Nyirenda however notes with concern that the application of Christian morality and ethics which is part of the constitution has been left out and should be considered by Members of Parliament as the clause will strengthen the country as a Christian nation.

He said it gives assurance to all stakeholders and we’ll meaning Zambians that the government is committed to seeing to it that the amendment of the Constitution is done with transparency and in a consultative manner aimed at meeting the aspirations of the majority Zambians.

He disclosed that the forum has observed with great dismay the insults and vulgar languages being used against those that have divergent views and has strongly condemned those exhibiting disrespect to the national leaders in the name of freedom of expression.

The forum also encouraged the leaders to learn to respect the freedoms and rights of the people and insults should not be encouraged.


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