THE Toyota Hilux vehicle which the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) has seized from Lusaka Diocese Archbishop Alick Banda was gifted to him by former president Edgar Lungu, information has emerged.

And DEC says Archbishop Banda forfeited the vehicle to the State after credible evidence showed that it was irregularly acquired.

According to sources within the diocese, Archbishop Banda approached Lungu between 2017 and 2020, seeking help for transport for himself and for his parish.

The sources said Lungu promised that he would find a way to help, adding that the Archbishop didn’t know where the vehicles would be sourced from.

“What happened is that the church needed some vehicles, so apparently he spoke to Lungu who promised that he would sort it out.

News Diggers


    • That can be coraborating evidence of Banda being a criminal and unfit for the cloth.
      The love of money is the root of evil. Looping the church in his quest to satisfy his insatable carnal nature.

  1. Edgar is a thorn in Zambia’s a-ss. He is the devil incarnate. From today. I am no longer Catholic and will not attend Mass. It’s either abuse of children, adultery or theft issues. I will try ba Watch Tower, Jehovah witness now. These Priest and Bishops are very scandalous. Opportunists they are.

    • @ Chester. Yes take your Insults elsewhere. You are not even Catholic..You are a pathetic Tribal Thug.
      What’s wrong with Edgar Lungu giving the Church a gift? Hakainde is making donations all over. He is building boreholes, giving universities buses. The Mwiine Lubemba was at one time on his pay roll. For Hakainde it is okay, for Edgar Lungu it is not.
      Churches do ask for donations to buy vehicles, to build churches, alms for various projects. There’s absolutely nothing wrong.
      And this case seems to be growing legs everyday.
      First the vehicle was from ZRA. Now it is from Edgar Lungu. Let’s see where this story is being steered to… Some one is definitely steering this case to bring down Arch Bishop Banda. But it will backfire.
      The faithful know the schemes … intelligent enough to see through everything.

      • Is it just for the sake of making yourself a meaningful or meaningless PF Cader?
        Is HH giving gifts by picking from the government assets? No one is stopped from giving gifts but shouldn’t be from government assets unless it is a government donation. The HH gifts; Borehole are from family business money, buses for the Universities are bought on personal account, HH sponsored students…Your ECL was getting without fear from government fleet..Who does that? Unless their is a short circuit in ones brain to compare HH genuine personal gifts and corrupted brown envelopes and giving out government assets to friends like they were personal. This was the peak of lawlessness of PF regime, arrogance, insulting language by you followers up to now you haven’t changed if you have no facts you turn to insults. Even when going through this article you feel you should insult as reply. Muzi chinja, we are in UPND civilized arrangement.
        Be prepared to be rule by UPND for a long while anyway. Like it or Not. To day’s address (13/09/2026) opening of the 4th Session of the NA. HH mentioned recovery of corruptly obtained assets and cash. The President has said: No hiding in Political Alliance/Party, ethnic group, tribe or Church. If a Clergyman gets involved…kamata

      • You just a dimwit or not wit boyi. If Vatican respected Zambia like they used to in the 70s, Banda would be summoned to Rome but they don’t care any more.

  2. So Edigar Lungu had powers to grab vehicles from Organizations like ZRA and give any person of his choice. Could be the same place where some of the 69 vehicles for the **n were coming from?

    • Definitely the 69 vehicles were given to his son the same way, if he can give a friend why not his own children.
      We reached a bad level of corruption, had they won 2021 general elections…OMG I don’t know what Zambia would have been to day in terms of lawlessness and shameless corruption.
      We are going through genuine problems that are general to many other countries this time in the region and world.
      With the efforts and interventions the government is putting in place we shall eventually cross the line.

    • Kikikik he has perhaps disappointed the Catholic Church if they can be.
      Now wonder his stance for PF was so firm and sounded like a Cadre each time he commented on politics especially against UPND. Now I know why….he saw this coming.

  3. Edgar Lungu made Zambia a banana republic where the President or anyone in power thinks that national assets are personal property. This man is a lawyer but how did he always fail to distinguish between what is his (his salary and emoluments) from what belongs to the State. Let me make it clear. Even Zambia Police too have no legal power to ‘forgive’ a criminal. The powers to decide to prosecute or not are vested in the Prosecutors’ office. The power to condemn or acquit, lies with the courts of law. ZRA, DEC, Zambia Army, ZNS, ZAF, Cabinet office etc- NO ONE has power to give out an office computer to another person or institution. If Lungu can say that so and so should be given the ZRA confiscated vehicles, what is to stop him from giving any other State property to his son? If the ZRA board can give out State property, what will stop the DEC boss taking the confiscated drugs for his personal use?
    MWEBANTU, let us learn Statecraft. Zambia is a Republic and not a monarchy.

  4. Sad to say this but the church has become as corrupt as Lungu himself. God has no meaning to these pastors, priests, bishops, cardinals. As long as they are paid they will support even the most corrupt thug in Zambia AKA Lungu


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