Dr. Nevers Mumba Selling his birthright for a morsel of Bread and Lentil Stew+ Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


Dr. Nevers Mumba Selling his birthright for a morsel of Bread and Lentil Stew

Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba Wrote;

Former Vice  President, Dr. Nevers Mumba moves with mouthful of scriptures, yet  displays utter hate and bitterness harboring in his heart.

By these actions, he pervades Christianity.

His recent statement in a quest to support President Hakainde Hichilema on the concerning state of human rights practices in Zambia, is shocking and demonstrates how low his integrity has sunk.

He deliberately ignores the torture, inhuman treatment, restricted rights and freedoms, harrasment, exclusion because of tribe or region, and other humiliating treatment Zambians have suffered.

He is but deeply obsessed with the ills and mistakes of the former ruling party and yet ignores the ills being repeated by the UPND Government.

Zambians gave the former ruling party an ultimate punishment- the PF was voted out of power.

It goes without saying that Zambia has never experienced war or civil conflict or civil strife and has an admirable record of democracy, peace and security.

Yet today we have the USA Country Report on Human Rights Practices, the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International and others expressing serious concerns about the abuse of human rights, and the rapid emergency of a tyrannical government.

Yet today, we have the United Nations personnel in the country investigating human rights practices in Zambia.

That’s how concerning the extent of misrule of President Hakainde Hichilema is, that matters associated with failed States and nations at war such as; abuse of human rights, break-down of the independence of democratic institutions, obliteration of seperation of power, oppressions of critics and members of the Opposition, and break-down in the Rule of Law, are in full display in Zambia.

Unless we halt this downward spiral,we may be at the cusp of something ominous foreshadowing our nation.

Dr. Mumba knows that the Lord Jesus Christ came to heal the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to captives, and set free those who are oppressed.

“Love thy neighbour”, Jesus commanded.

Dr. Mumba knows that as Christians we are identified NOT by our nice or kind words, but by the fruits we bear; “You will know them by their fruits” Mathew 7;16

If politics or religion is coming between me and my neighbour, I will choose my neighbour.

We cannot abandon who we are as Christians for purposes of fulfilling political loyalties, even when our nationhood is threatened.

Mumba’s recent statements are diabolical, unchristian and promote hatred and bitterness in our nation.

Don’t be like hypocrites who love to pray publicly, Christ admonished us.

In Matthew 6:6: “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen; then yo

ur Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Faith without works is dead.

I call upon my elder brother that as we call ourselves Christians, walk as Christians, let us be like Christ in our both speech and our deeds.

Let us be the light in politics and not be the diabolical.


  1. Mumba is a mushanina bwali.

    After 2026, he has no idea how he will feed his family. He is really panicking.

    Not even prayers will help this fallen angel. He has probably forgotten how to pray anyway.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Please try to earn respect for yourself otherwise we’ll call you names, Mr. EM. We know who you’re and for the insults you have thrown on the President do you think you can hide?
      If he’s was as cruel as you portray him to be could he have left you alone with all the power and means at his disposal?
      You think that you are so clever? Unfortunately you’re just an idiot enjoying the freedom accorded to you by the same man you hate and insult so much
      He doesn’t mind but we who value him as our great leader are concerned with your stupidity
      Anyway carry on because he’s here to stay even beyond 2031, but I would advise you to die with bitterness instead of suffering the way you’re suffering
      Vote wisely vote for HH7 in 2026/31

  2. Mwamba is the one who exhibits marks of the devil by his shameless lying. The devil is the father of lies. That’s why Scripture says liars shall not enter God’s kingdom. Falsehoods are Mwamba’s staple food.


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