By Chileshe Mwango

The Electoral Commission of Zambia-ECZ- says it has also noted the need to make amendments to the entire article 52 of the Elections Act, citing various gaps and lacunas to the law, as observed by President Hakainde Hichilema.

Speaking during the orientation of the Electoral Reform Technical Committee-ERTC- on the provincial stakeholder engagement meetings scheduled for 30 September in Lusaka today, ECZ Chairperson Mwangala Zaloumis says in its current form, the law is subject to a lot of abuse.

Mrs. Zaloumis however observes that public debate has so much been on article 52(6) when it is the entire law that needs to undergo an amendment.

She says experience has taught the commission that there is a lot of connivance among electoral players during elections which has resulted in the abuse of the law, thereby posing the ECZ and other players to incur higher costs than budgeted for.

Mrs. Zaloumis has since tasked the Electoral Reform Technical Committee and other relevant stakeholders to find a way to save the nation from unnecessary costs and time wasting.


  1. Is that a priority? There are serious challenges facing this country and vuvuzelas are misleading someone who is focusing on non priority issues in order to extend his stay. Bwafya.

  2. How can a proposal to avoid delays in holding elections be associated with extending the stay of a president who has proposed to address the article and clauses that may delay elections?? Bwafya indeed to people who twist intentions of HH to mean he intends to extend his stay when his intention is to avoid provisions in the constitution which could extend his stay in the presidency!!. Any case those provisions do not give any existential threat to HH and UPND. Whether acted on or not, HH and UPND will complete their first term in office and given the current weaknesses within the opposition, have higher chances of winning the second term.

    • Am sure you now understand how easy people failed English language at School. Many people have satisfactory as their best results, just read through you will notice lol.

  3. Mr. Musonda! The Constitution is one supreme document that gives direction and guidance to and on how the Country should be run in totality.

    1. There’s the issue of running the economy of the Country.
    2. There’s the issue of Security
    3. There are many issues if you like including human rights etc. So it is also a priority dealing with it in order to pefect it. It’s not just ubunga and ulutoshi necissited by the high cost of living. Talk of the issue of inflation hence the importance of the document in question is vital, very important and a priority babaaaa.

  4. The law needs to be clear to everyone rather than subjected to lawyers. Lawyers are not the only citizen to enjoy the knowledge of law .
    Where the law is unclear before the public,it must be amended.
    I concur with ECZ chairperson ‘s position.
    Ziale students rules ought to be amended in that the revoked student rules had a five year ban but the new rules have a life ban.
    Imagine a student failing one remain paper out of eleven papers, he is banned for life.
    Every law that is draconic , discriminatory and archaic must be repealed.

  5. The tribalist conman was against this amendment when ECL was president.

    What has changed since?

    The dodgy lacuna must go.

    Vote wisely in 2026.

  6. ECL signed a fault constitution which had a lot of patch holes ,the problems with our lawyers who pass through ZIALE is that they don’t preside of cases effectively. This problem was created by ECL because of excitement.Those ba PF surrogates are holding a foolish thought.

  7. ECL signed a fault constitution which had a lot of patch holes ,the problems with our lawyers who pass through ZIALE is that they don’t preside of cases effectively. This problem was created by ECL because of excitement.Those ba PF surrogates are holding a foolish thought. Ba PF surrogates are never ashamed and l doubt if they do because they behave like cihunyu.


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