HAKAINDE AND HIS TIRADE [Combative, Overbearing and Diversionary, Emotional]- Dr Canisius Banda


[Combative, Overbearing and Diversionary, Emotional]

The air in the country was pregnant with expectation.

It left many disappointment, without hope and further lost.

The delivery will have to wait. For now, citizens remain FIXED.

It also left many shocked, worried and a tad scared.

Seeking solace/a balm, citizens were traumatised instead.

It didn’t start on time, another promise NOT kept.

His opening statement revealed a lot. Hakainde confessed to IGNORANCE. He told the nation that, before the 2021 elections, he didn’t know the FULL extent of the problem that he was promising to FIX.

Now, that reflects poorly on his judgment and capacity to read challenges.

You see, when you don’t know the PROBLEM fully then you cannot PROPERLY prepare to solve it.

So here we are now, a tad stuck.

By his own admission, as if seeking consolation, Hakainde said that the work he is doing was difficult. It has always been, you see, even before he was born.

Petrol will be about K12 per litre.
Fertiliser K250 maximum.
A 25kg bag of mealie meal will cost about K50.
The Kwacha will stabilise by 14:00 hours after inauguration.
The presidential jet will be sold.
K1500 will be given to all public service workers across the board.
Immediately you vote us in, we will lower the cost of living.

These are some of the promises Hakainde made. And he has kept NONE.


Yesterday, patently incensed by a citizen, Hakainde said that lies are illegal. He said that lies kill. And added that, liars must pay/be punished.

Now, so armed with this M and E tool, citizens will apply this same standard to Hakainde himself.

Looking at the timeline he himself set for his unkept promises, a cogent argument can be made that Hakainde LIED; despite his having been raised not to lie as he told us.

Using SYLLOGISTIC thinking as an instrument of inference, below is what Hakainde’s words really mean.

The premise is that HAKAINDE LIED to the citizens.

It follows then that Hakainde committed an illegality. By doing this, Hakainde may have killed some citizens. And Hakainde must pay.


Clearly, Hakainde is a HURT man.

His own emotional recital of the litany of infractions committed against him when he was in opposition clearly illustrated this truth.

And by his own admission, it is not his own heart but the LAW which is restraining him from inflicting suffering on some citizens. This was chilling.

Remember his reference to a neighbouring country that has gone rogue?

He said that if he had a way he could put suspects away in jail for a long period of time for purposes of solely obtaining CONFESSIONS from them [legal torture].

Hakainde is HURT.

Hakainde feels badly maligned, as if the country has singled him out for scorn and ridicule, as if a labouring saviour carrying years of the burdens of pain and shame of a subjugated minority.

Hakainde requires HEALING.

The spirit that issued forth from him yesterday and pervaded the conference is not the required foundation for governance. It was laden with bile.

Raphael NAKACHINDA, whilst in police hands, before trial, was found guilty by Hakainde.

Bowman LUSAMBO, openly demeaningly referred to as a die-hard cadre who was incapable of buying an economy ticket a few years ago, also before trial, was found guilty by Hakainde.

Ultra vires, a political licence to harass these citizens was so issued.

What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Is this the naming and shaming you promised us in your address to parliament on Principles and National Values?

Angry, he was so openly CONTEMPTUOUS of Zambia’s judicial system, citizens and the courts, Hakainde.

Though Hakainde crucified Nakachinda and Lusambo, he chose to free, without professional investigation, KABUSWE, KAKUBO and many others, who his own supporters in thr UPND call CORRUPT.


Passionately, one of his supporters said: ‘Whoever thinks Kakubo left with a calendar and pen is HIMSELF corrupt.’

And this is what Hakainde thinks, and says he established through a chat with the accused minister.

A cabinet minister buying premix in a suit, alone with no aide, on a holiday, in the presence of the Chinese Ambassador at a troubled private Chinese company? Mmmmm! Really, Mr President?

These are indeed foreign/alien affairs!

Reminds one of the ‘mfwiti, mfwiti’ days. Now GONE with the wind/citizens.

His speech was punctuated with loosening of associations, pressure of speech and over-valued ideas. The lettered know what this means.

His reference to local businesses as ‘WE are the local businesses’ was suspicious. It reeked of CONFLICT OF INTEREST.

His ducking questions by journalists who only asked on behalf of the people such as the ‘Kagame and mining tax concessions’ question preferring to answer them in private was unconvincing and subtracted from his INTEGRITY.

Journalists should do better next time. Their questions omitted many the people wanted answered. For instance, there was no question on the brewing ‘NKANDHLA scandal’ in Zambia.

You see, just as Chitonga is the official language of Zambia’s Southern province, the official language for Lusaka province is Chinyanja, Mr President. Not IciBemba or Luvale. Be at peace with that, sir. Tread CAREFULLY there.

Ask the Tongas themselves, they find it strange and uncomfortable to openly use their language on the Copperbelt. Perfectly normal.

The elephant in the room was the COST OF LIVING, which your own Laura MITI admitted is killing citizens.

But people’s hearts sunk when asked, what your immediate measures were to cushion them, you glossed over this serious matter by saying you had given them free education and that you were fighting inflation. When you said this, the people’s hunger worsened and their pain and disillusionment hit an all-time low.

Ask them. They would give you back your free education in a minute if you offered them a low cost of living/affordable food in return!

A poll today shows that you did not offer solutions to them. The people remain with NO CLEAR REDEMPTIVE DIRECTION, are still lost and unhappy.

Your response on the Milingo LUNGU scandal left egg on your face.

Did you or did you not meet Milingo LUNGU? That was the question. Your Justice Minister had earlier informed the nation that you did not. Your answer? ‘Is it wrong to meet anyone?’ Then you went on to lamely and unnecessarily talk about tables and their edges. Perhaps explains why the conference unnecessarily lasted hours on end.

Citizens will now wait for the courts to hear the TRUTH. Your long-winded response created more questions. The saga continues. It is Milingo’s word Vs yours.

Your emphasis on ZAMBIANS FIRST for econonic freedom was impressive.

Don’t stop to bore your cabinet ministers with this mantra. It is our ONLY redemption song.

Yes, that CADASTER move is commendable. Just don’t give those mining licences to yourself.

Empower the citizens that presently live in abject poverty.

Let Zambians’ absolute ownership or through shares of nickel, cobalt, emerald, diamond, copper and gold mines increase. Yes, including manganese.

I was happy to hear you repeat what I SAY all the time. The truth. That DRC and Zambia are the two richest countries on the continent of Africa.

MERELY as an example, Zambia is richer than France, sir. Enough of the British

I was,also happy to note that that your respect for the China has improved. By your own admission yesterday, you infotmed the nation that you are, with the required seriousness, talking with this economic elephant. It further shows that you are listening to citizens.

Thr US owes China 1.1 trillion US Dollars. Zambia, it is only 6 billion. You see, we can even get more of their less expensive money and finish installing the remaining turbines at Kafue Gorge so that our dream of becoming a net energy exporter is realised.

Be STRATEGIC but remain non-aligned.

Your CLOSING REMARKS were the best words you have ever spoken as Republican President. Retain that attitude.

Your admission that you will only do your part, to the best of your ability, your PETITIONING GOD for more KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM was so exrmplary it made my eyes water, and watching you on TV alone, these words, without thinking, caused me to clap my hands for you.

I see that you have a cold.

I felt like giving you a prescription but I remembered your words that my writing it would constitute conflict of interest.

Nonetheless, your gurgling a mixture of coarse salt and tumeric in hot water will help. Further, chew slices of fresh ginger afterwards and wash it down with lemon juice. You will heal. Trust me.

As healers/pilgrims, we mean well, we only act on behalf of God. We are His vessels. Trust us.

You are public, and we love you. That is why we criticise you.

Your repeated sniffing shows that you are only human, Hakainde.

Yes, just do your part.
You are not the first Republican President and you will not be the last.

Remain humble, my man.

And leave vengeance to God.

I wish you a quick recovery.

No dirty deals please.
No more lies.
And Godspeed!

Dr Canisius BANDA
Development Activist


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