HH shouldn’t come to Parley with empty speeches – Kapyanga


HH shouldn’t come to Parley with empty speeches – Kapyanga

MPIKA Central member of parliament Mr Francis Kapyanga says as parliament opens this Friday, he is not expecting the president to come with speeches written for him, but should address the real issues which affects the people of Zambia.

In an interview, yesterday, Mr Kapyanga said the people of his constituency had so much expectations for the official opening set for this Friday https://dailynationzambia.com/2024/09/hh-shouldnt-come-to-parley-with-empty-speeches-kapyanga/


  1. Ba Kapyanga, with due respect to you as MP, the president is not coming to parley to address you alone or the pipo of yr constituency alone. He’ll be addressing the nation through parley and we want to listen to him ourselves on the way forward fort the nation. You should abscent yourself if you feel nothing worthy will be said. Us we look forward to his address.

  2. Ba MP, mulekwata umuchinshi, the President is coming to Parliament to address the nation and not a constituency like Mpika Central. People in your constituency should meet their expectations through their area MP who is yourself. If you don’t know what do or say in your Constituency, kindly consult your neighbor, the hardworking and model MP, Hon. Sunday Chanda of Kanchibiya, he will guide you.

  3. During PF time in government, you are the one who with sarcastic and evil intention openly said to our HH that you will not allow HH in Lungus bedroom that is mpika where with your PF cadres attacked honourable who was going for your cooked conconted cases bdfore 2021 presidential and General elections.

    You even insulted or called so.e tribes whom you, without respect called cockroaches. You arr now being called a honourable and representing people whom i think others in your constituency are part of those yiu called cockroaches and without shame you are still in your old habbit and colour of being sarcastic, orragance, and rudness kike kapyongo and mutototo.

    Honourables ( peoples representatives ) are people with honour not bakambwanga like you NO. Mulesebanya ińanda yamafunde, look at your crooked froend JJ Banda. The behaviour. AIKONA MAN


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