It’s Immoral For Emmanuel Mwamba To Drag HH Into Archbishop Alick Banda’s Woes


One of the earth-shattering developments to have rocked the nation these past few days is obviously news of the Lusaka Diocese, Archbishop Alick Banda, being embroiled in the ongoing trial in the Lusaka magistrates court in which former Zambia Revenue Authority Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and another person are facing 22 counts of wilful failure to comply with procedure relating to the manner they disposed of 22 used motor vehicles belonging to the commission and obviously abuse of authority.

According to the testimony of one Suzyo Ng’andu, a former board secretary of ZRA, procedure was not followed when “gifting” the ‘most revered’ Archibishop an impressive Toyota Hilux, commonly known as Ichipaso in the local parlance! As per procedure, the motor vehicle has since been confiscated by the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC). This matter has obviously been widely covered by both government and private media.

However, in his feeble attempts to always try and discredit or smear President Hichilema given any golden opportunity, Emmanuel Mwamba enthusiastically took to his Facebook and offered the following hypothesis : “Just the other week President HH was apologising to the Catholic Church saying he doesn’t hate or fight the Church but a witness former ZRA Board Secretary, Suzyo Ngandu, was called to testify in the Financial and Economic Crimes Court where former Commissioner General, Kingsley Chanda and Director, Calistus Kaoma are charged with abuse of authority regarding the disposal of 22 vehicles.”

Honesty speaking, what’s the connection between the two? How does the name of tge President come into the picture?

It’s obviously common knowledge that the President took time to apologize to the Catholic church on behalf of his party and government for any perceived wrong doing that might have led to any acrimony or misgivings between the two parties and appealed for collaboration for the good of this nation! Was Archibishop Banda even in attendance during the service in Kabwe last week or even the meeting at State House which was held much earlier? Shouldn’t we as Christians always be quick to forgive?

Coming back to the issue of the court case, whenever any of us is called to testify in court, we are made to hold the Bible aloft and solemnly swear that “the evidence we shall render before this court shall be nothing but the truth.”

It’s in such circumstances that Archibishop Banda’s name came up in the magistrates court. Did Mwamba expect the witness to somehow cover up the truth to protect the good image of the Archibishop or indeed the President to swiftly move in and gag the witness or derail the course of justice and allow any wrong-doers to go scot free simply because a Catholic priest is involved?

What sort of warped reasoning is this?

By choosing to associate with the previous corrupt and brutal PF regime to such an extent of accepting ‘contaminated gifts” to satisfy his perchance for earthly possessions ba Banda has brought the good name of the Catholic church into ridicule and disrepute! Is it true he was known as a bling-bling Bishop during his Ndola days? Ba Zima Ndola confirm, please.

There’s only one option left on the table for Archibishop Banda….to apologise and resign from his priestly duties immediately and join his friend Edgar Chagwa Lungu in politics other than continuing to hide in the Church!

Prince Bill M Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Ba Emmanuel Mwamba bale tinako na Lesa. He was a seminarian twapapata…. You cannot pedal such heinous hogwash simply because you hate HH. Now he is behaving like a complete idiot. I surely pity his children and wife to have such a father and husband.

  2. Well articulated.

    By inference, Mr. Mwamba expected President HH to have had prior knowledge of the testimony by the witness and to have interfered with the court process.

  3. A possible issue is that ECL requested Kingsley Chanda to gift Alick Banda Ichipaso. Therefore, Kingsley just followed and also created a loop for ichipaso to have a gate pass. It’s sad for the hard working Kingsley Chanda.
    Just my thoughts though, not a fact.

    Otherwise leave my HH7 out of this nonsense Mr Mwamba. The only instruction HH give is You are own your own

  4. It’s who published the story first is of concern, Emmanuel pointed out the systematic way of embarrassing the Archbishop. We are saying NO.

  5. Ambassador Mwamba is very correct, Hichilema is giving instructions all the time from closed doors, you think Zambians don’t know what is going on at state house! Don’t worry Zambezians all this will soon come to an end! One wonders how Zambezians will live in this country soon as Upnd is out power! Because Hichilema has
    taken tribalism and hate between tribes, in this country to a very high level, which will not be easy to reverse! Hichilema thinks he has achieved , now , what he wanted, that “Tongas are now in power and in control”, but he seems not to realize that real power is in the hands of the people of Zambia! So if the people of Zambia don’t want Hichilema and his Upnd to rule them, he can not force them.


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