Dr. Fred M'membe
Dr. Fred M'membe


What’s going on is very, very embarrassing, sad, and annoying to all who harbour in their hearts even the smallest sense of justice.

There’s nothing lawful or morally defensible in the way Mr Hakainde Hichilema is using a group of PF renegades to circumvent everything and destroy that political party.

It’s not only PF they are destroying; they are destroying the whole country. They are destroying vital state institutions and systems upon which decent societies and countries are built around to protect, defend, and maintain their dignity and sovereignty.

What Mr Hichilema is doing is dangerous and ethically indefensible, whatever the political factors behind it. This wanton destruction of the court system, the police and other state institutions is one he will live to regret because once citizens start feeling defenceless and vulnerable to a point of losing confidence and trust in state systems and processes like the courts, that’s the beginning of lawlessness and trouble in the country.

What Mr Hichilema is doing is an enormous error, a huge injustice and a great crime for which in some countries, like the United States, Mr Hichilema would be in very serious trouble like Richard Nixon was with the Watergate scandal.

In the last few days the foundations, the conception, the true aims, the spirit, and the conditions for such destruction have been hastily put into place. No one could state that it was not thought out well in advance, something that was just waiting for an opportunity.

They knew very well what they were doing and why they were doing it.

Their destructive capacity is enormous, while on the other hand their habits of equanimity, serenity, thoughtfulness and restraint, are minimal.

The combination of factors – not excluding complicity and the prevailing opportunism, confusion – makes it almost impossible to avoid a messy and unpredictable outcome.

I am avoiding the use of adjectives, qualifiers, or offensive words towards these people. These are absolutely unnecessary and inopportune when the tensions and seriousness of the moment advise thoughtfulness and equanimity.

I ask our compatriots to reflect deeply and calmly on what is going on in our country today.

We speak with the moral power of people who have suffered many injustices; ones who do not shake with fear of anything because there is no threat or power in the world that can intimidate us. And with this moral power we proclaim that we are opposed to lawlessness, injustice, tyranny, and dictatorship.

Although the possibilities are now remote, we reiterate the need for Mr Hichilema to mull over things and stop this destruction.

Likewise, we reiterate our willingness to cooperate with everyone to end this destruction, tyranny, and dictatorship.

Some objective and calm friend should advise Mr Hichilema against this very dangerous path he is on.

We will never declare ourselves enemies of those in the UPND – as leaders of the UPND are openly declaring us – people who today are subjected to an unprecedented campaign to sow hatred and a spirit of vengeance.

Today, we are expressing our solidarity with the legitimate, authentic leaders and members of the PF, while appealing for calmness and peace. One day they will admit we were right.

We will defend our principles with honour to the last drop of blood, if pushed to do so.

We know they declared us their enemies and we are next in their scheme of annihilation, but it will not be easy to fabricate pretexts to do it.

We are followers, descendants of the brave Ngoni warrior Nsingu, with a patriotic and revolutionary consciousness that is higher than ever. It is time for serenity and courage.

This is the precise time to proclaim more loudly and resolutely than ever:

To hell with tin-pot dictators, tribalists, and corrupt imperialist puppets!

Aluta Continua!
Victoria acerta!

Fred M’membe
President of the Socialist Party


  1. Yes he will try to destroy the country but we the Bemba and Easterners, and the rest of the country, except Southern and Western provinces, will not let him. He is a small boy. His eyes are on money, ours are on our country. We hounded our own brother ECL out of office because he was ignoring us voters. We will do the same to this imposter, as he is doing worse than ECL.

    2026 uli kwisa?

    • Iwe mind your language. Why do you UPND resort to insults? You can not counter argue?

      Us the Bemba and Easterners voted for someone not part of our tribe. We have no problem doing so because we care for our country.

      Do you think your tribesmen can eject one of their own out because he us totally useless? That is the difference.

      So who is the real tribalist?

      • @indigotyrol so the whole country according to you is Bembas and Easterners. Tribalists, will always remain tribalists, those who voted for someone else is not you and you will never speak for them, because not all of them are like you.

  2. Idiots are better left to expose their stupid tribal innuendos. I now understand perfectly the slogan fimba upoke, that is the only thing left for all the idiots who do not believe that 2021 August brought change and buried the maggots together with their corpse? STUPID IDIOTS.

  3. PF has been in self destruction mode ever since Mr. Lungu fraudulently assumed power. They did not need any external assistance to self destruct.

    The country is intact Dr. M’membe. Zambia will be fine in the absence of PF, just as we donot miss UNIP.


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