What can a student of yours say on your passing?

Many only see the screwed and somewhat fearless CK of today without knowing the origins of his first political “teeth!”

Under your leadership I drew inspiration and became a youth activist rising through ranks as a youth leader in my early secondary school days.

I became the copperbelt Youth League Students’ Secretary General at the time when politics was deemed to only be for the “STRONG!”

Having so much belief in you, i took a sabbatical leave from all political activities after your exit from the corridors of power until 2001 when the now Mighty Patriotic Front was birthed under the leadership of another Great “student” of your who you have joined to be with the Lord Michael Chilufya Sata. (M. H. S. C. R. I. E. P)

Many will only “see” the positives of your leadership because you are no more but many like me who “led together” with you during your reign will forever remember your leadership and the heart you hard to see Zambia reach great heights.

Like many humans, some people may have seen your leadership “shortcomings” but certainly these will never outdo the great works you did for mother Zambia.
Mathematicians would actually say, “your great works canceled all minimal fraws with a remainder!”

In your death, I like many would rather celebrate your life and wish that many emulate you and your “down to earth lifestyle.”

Super Ken, if only we could create ruplicas of your personality, I would wish I could have as many as I can get.!!!

My tears of joy will certainly dry but memories will certainly be ever fresh to fathom the fact that my political journey started under your leadership and you lived to continue nurturing me until I became the “renowned” politician I am today.

Go well bashi Panji, Go well Super Ken. ….!!!


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