This morning, we watched a press conference addressed by Patriotic Front faction Secretary General Raphael Nakachinda where emphatically stated that PF believes in the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) and will remain in UKA.

Obviously, credit must go to the Sixth Republican President, Edgar Chagwa Lungu (ECL) for standing his ground to resist machinations and manipulation by those who wanted to divide a well-intended political grouping and thought they could force him to jump into another formation called Tonse Alliance.

This is the reaction we expected from the PF leadership under ECL; to give him the respect he deserves and not to use his name to champion a political agenda that is devoid of national interest but one that is steeped in personal preservation. We are aware that many people within PF misunderstood us when we questioned machinations that we suspected lacked the backing and support of ECL. They accused us of attacking the man but the truth is we were merely smoking out those who thought they had captured him for self-preservation. ECL is a national treasure!

ECL is our Statesman, the only living legend from the Hall of Fame in the order of former Heads of State. On that score alone, he has his name and reputation to protect. People shouldn’t think that they can reduce the former head of state to a Yoyo man and expect him to jump from one alliance to another. That’s not fair to the former head of state. He has made it very clear that he is back to unite the opposition and if they think he is the man for the job, he is available. Nothing has changed!

We all know that PF is a major stakeholder in the journey to 2026 general elections but that does not give them the right to attempt to overrun and ridicule other equally important stakeholders in the process.

Someone accused us of being conflicted in this matter, by no means! As a media house, we have never hidden our support for democracy and pluralism. We think UKA is a good addition to Zambia’s democratic discourse and presents an interesting case study for the future; as lawyers say, please note our interest. 

Yesterday, UKA Chairperson State Counsel, Sakwiba Sikota, issued a very measured statement and the message was very loud and clear, to put in check those UKA members who seem to be losing focus and falling for machinations of character assassination and name calling. If some members of the Council of Presidents (COP) feel inadequate to win an election, they shouldn’t impute it on others. They should stick in there and allow an internal democratic process to be followed exhaustively to choose the flag bearer rather than grandstanding to externally instigate a process whose outcome they have already predetermined.

We are fully persuaded that the rumoured Tose Alliance didn’t just fall from the blues. It’s the creation of the same people who were hoping and thinking they could arm-twist ECL to suit their bidding. We say so because in the aftermath of our recent editorial in which we questioned PF’s sincerity to rebrand, a VERY Senior Member of PF sent us this message and we quote: “You have successfully killed the chance for UKA with this insulting article.” End of quote.

Our question is why would anyone insinuate that we can kill UKA’s chances through an editorial? We can only assume that they had Tonse Alliance on their minds as an alternative where they wanted to divert ECL. It’s good to hear the SG succumbing to ECL’s decision to remain in UKA. It’s not his intention to kill the alliance.

It’s for this reason that we commend ECL for resisting such unnecessary pressure and showing leadership to everyone in the opposition. There is need to look at the bigger picture for the nation. Well done, Sir!

Our advice to the PF as a key stakeholder is that they should fully support the presence of ECL in the alliance and desist from issuing divisive statements. PF has a duty to itself to prove that treachery is not the experience they talk about bringing to the table! Zambians graduated a long time from that kind of experience of dishonesty and treacherous behavior. Anyone embracing those traits will find themselves standing alone.

While we agree with the fact that ECL is a huge factor and is capable of winning an election, we are also aware that he has raised capable sons whom he ably trained to lead the party and the nation going forward. It’s for this reason that his well-trained sons like Greyford Monde, Emmanuel Mwamba, Mutotwe Kafwaya, Brian Mundubile, Chitalu Chilufya and others did not struggle to raise the K200, 000 nomination fee to contest the party’s presidency.

The sellable anointing and grace that rests upon ECL, the same he can transfer to any of his sons like Greyford Monde, Emmanuel Mwamba, Mutotwe Kafwaya, Brian Mundubile, Chitalu Chilufya through an endorsement so that they too can become sellable!

If by any chance he finds his sons inadequate, he has the right and privilege to anoint one of his colleagues in the alliance. His responsibility as the Father of the Nation is huge and we all must support him to be the national voice both in our land, SADC and the entire African Continent.

Deep calls unto deep. We must learn to understand times and seasons and avoid being copycats. If the Alebwelelapo song is louder in Malawi, doesn’t mean Zambia should answer the chorus. Allow ECL to enjoy his well-earned status as a true statesman who is above partisan politics. Unless it’s himself that wants it badly, that’s a totally different story. As much as we need him, his family needs him much more at this critical hour.

In the same breath, we believe President Hakahinde Hichilema has a bigger role to play in restoring dignity back to ECL and his family. Through your privileges as Head of State and Government, we plead with you to spare ECL’s family and name, for the sake of his years of service to the nation. KBN believes that HH and ECL can still sit on the table of brotherhood.


    • Jokes aside, Zambia is now maturing into a bipartisan/tripartisan governance political dispensetion like the UK/USA. For example, when UPND loses the 2026 elections, they will become the shadow government with a shadow cabinet of ministers on government payroll as they will be truly be providing nonpolitical checks and balances for the benefit of the Zambians.
      So,UPND should remain intact in defeat as well as in victory. I’m sure they will always come back after very defeat,the same applies to PF or any other party for that matter.
      I know this may be a serious paradigm shift for people like you and the Kabova community!!!

  1. Even his family is weak that’s why they stole en masse and uninhibited. God saved us. Thank you LORD. Even Catholic bishops stoke cars…eish we were in trouble!!!

  2. This is the man and his clinical friend who forced Doctors in Israel to operate immediately as weak as he was all against medical ethics and you are calling him a statesman! Sham! This is shambles of minds indeed. Have people gone confused. No wander all they do is shout at HH and cheer snakes in the dark and call themselves politicians. Shawn!

  3. Article clearly written by Anthony mukwita to rekindle his diplomatic aspirations through alebwelelapo. UKA initiators had no intention of escorting ECL back to state house when they invited him but looks like he has overshadowed their ambitions and they must start saying goodbye. They will soon become doormats.

  4. Lungu will never be a statesman because….
    He is corrupt
    He is visionless
    He is a thief
    He is a failed lawyer
    He is a drunk
    He is a CHIKALA
    He is a Satan nyoko
    He is a panyo pako
    He is a baboon

    • Comrade, you can express your opinion without those insults. Am may not be a supporter of the subject person, but I implore you to be mindful that this is an elderly person you are referring to, despite his shortfalls.

  5. I wish to say the truth on former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s intentions to lead UKWA with his iron fist..for sure to say the truth…this man prior to 2021 general elections he mopped all those small political parties and brought them under his watch promising them a lot of good things because he was so convinced that the election was a walk to him but alas we saw how the likes of Bowman Lusambo got so shocked and cried the whole month. To those in UKWA please let the former president just be your patron not a presidential candidate because he is a weaker candidate.

  6. Who is this KBN TV? Mr. Lungu, a national treasure? Really? He is a national DISASTER! It is a joke to describe Mr. Lungu as Father of the Nation. There is ONLY ONE Father of the Nation. That distinction belongs to Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda. He is the one who oversaw the birth of Zambia. Those who came after him are mere FORMER Presidents.

    As for Mr. Lungu keeping UKWA together, the simple fact is Mr. Lungu’s word is worth nothing. He is probably double dealing his UKWA friends while pretending to be with them. This is a man who told the whole nation that he had resigned from PF and active politics after he got a thorough beating from his friend HH. Meanwhile, he was playing hide and seek until Mr. Miles Sampa flushed him out into the open. For two years Mr. Lubinda kept warming the seat for Mr. Lungu to the extent of collecting K200,000 from spineless “PF presidential candidates” as nomination fee for elections he knew would never take place.

    This is the character UKWA is dealing with. Extremely devious. Loves moving in the shadows. UKWA presidents should not kid themselves. They are just Mr. Lungu’s “inshindishi” (escorts). They are mere bridesmaids. If they think they are equal partners, they are in for rude shock. At least Mr. Sean Tembo knows his place at the table.

  7. Truthfully speaking, LEC may have have all the resources but he is a spent force. It is like DT in the first world. DT will be the reason why US will have it’s first female President because he is just not the right person to wield the instruments of power. There will be more chaos than a volcano or tornado has ever caused anywhere on the universe.

  8. The CEO of KBN TV claims to be a Pastor but he says or write contradicts principles of the a true servant of God. From his article HH is persecuting ECL’s family. (1) Have you ever asked the former first lady where she got $400,000 to a niece for safe hiding?
    (2) Where were you when Mrs Tasila Lungu Mwansa was fancing illegally thousands of hectares in Eastern province kudos goes to Panji Kaunda for his bravely fight. And many more issues or cases.
    To you democracy is only when ECL is part of politics?
    What are about opposition political players?
    To you democracy us when an alliance is formed and Lumgu must be part of that alliance.
    To you politics and PF starts and ends with ECL
    Sata died PF us still today who told pf is lungu and lungu is pf.
    Who told you other pf members in executive or ordinary have no direction or say in the pf affairs except lungu.
    Staying in UKA it is not serving PF’s interest except lungu for one simple reason PF presidency issue that Miles Sampa has messed up including lungu who officially retired and came back without an elections.


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