KAPOCHE member of parliament Charles Banda says the opposition want to cause anarchy in the nation by telling people that the PF government under President Edgar Lungu is evil.

Speaking to the electorates at Mataya village under Matambazi ward, Dr Banda accused the opposition of being behind the gassing episodes in order for people to rise against the current government.

He further told the people that so far the government was doing everything possible to ensure the gassers were brought to book.

He said about 46 suspects would soon appear in law.

He said some opposition parties had failed to form government hence plan to get it by force by creating havoc in a nation.

He gave an example that a disciplined man would not propose love to a married lady because she is already occupied.

He said the opposition knew that the PF was in power and 2021 was not yet in but want to force themselves to be leaders before the appointed time.

“You don’t ask marriage from a married woman because she has someone already. Now we are in power but people want to force themselves in. Be careful because the opposition want to inject fear in the people to say Lungu’s government is evil. That’s why there are gassers who have robbed people’s peace in their houses. All they want is you to rise against government but the good part is that those who are doing such activities or suspected to be gassers are being caught such that so far about 46 will appear in court soon,” Dr Banda said.

He, however, warned communities against mob justice because everyone involved in the act was being prosecuted.

He expressed disappointment with people of Chimphundu who on Saturday attacked census agents whom they suspected to be gassers.

The officers only saved by Matambazi ward counsellor Ranson Besa and the quick response by Sinda police who dispersed the mob using tear gas.

Dr Banda urged the people to go for President Lungu in 2021, claiming that he deserved to be given another chance to rule Zambia.

“Ladies and gentlemen, next year we will be having general elections and I would appeal to you that let’s go for Lungu in 2021, let’s not lose Lungu the way we lost RB. We lost RB because of our careless voting. Lungu is our own and if we lose him now, we might not have another president from Eastern for some years but let’s ensure Lungu is on until 2026, let’s hold him with our double hands…” Dr Banda said.

He explained to the gathering that some of the PF promises have not materialised because Zambia was big.

He said at the right time certain promises would be fulfilled.

He told them that the government gave Kapoche Constituency K350,000 to rehabilitate bridges and that so far some bridges have been worked on.

However, Dr Banda said heavy rains compromised the development.

And Dr Banda, who is also Minister of Local Government, explained that Bill 10 was not an evil animal but a good programme that aims at removing bad clauses in the current constitution.

“Don’t be misled that they want to include bad clauses, no! Certain clauses are not okay and government wants to ensure that it is perfected so that it fits everyone unlike the way it is. For example, we have about 156 constituencies but if we amend the constitution then we shall have about 230 constituencies,” he explained.

Dr Banda said he was the 12th member of parliament for Kapoche Constituency and wondered why people were pointing fingers at him that he had failed.

“I am accused of serving 20 years which I have not. I am the 12th MP in this Kapoche, we had people like Chioza, Ben Zulu, Fashion Phiri, Elinah, Nicholas, Kanyuka, all these did their part but surely all the projects and developments they did not do you are there loading them on me! You say I have served 20 years No! I was the MP from 2001 to 2006 and I was off until 2016 is that 20 years? Let’s learn to speak the truth and appreciate what someone has done by saying Zikomo,” Dr Banda said.

He boasted that out of all the previous MPs, it was only under him that various developments where implemented in Kapoche Constituency like the sinking of 46 boreholes, bridge rehabilitation, donations of cement and iron sheets to various communities.

But Jabesi Phiri of Mataya village said all government officials and aspirants promise various things like the Chimphundu road but never fulfill the promises.

“Honorable, we appreciate your coming but the big challenge we have is the poor road network. It’s unfortunate that everyone who comes give us an assurance of the road to be worked on and once they leave, nothing happens and even what you are saying we are made to believe it’s a lie. We challenge you to fulfill your words of the bridges you have mentioned,” he said.

Ronald Phiri of Kalandila village told Banda that there were no drugs in clinics as patients were given prescriptions to purchase medicines.

He said when the malaria drug, corterm, was available at the health centre, patients were usally asked to purchase panadol on their own.

“We want to tell you in case you don’t know. We have suffered in these clinics due to lack of drugs as they just give us prescriptions to go and buy even panadol and due to hunger people have no money to buy drugs, the result is death at home! How is the government going to help us? Honorable when little drugs are there, we are receiving panadol [wrapped] on plain papers as those medical plastics are not there! Please advocate for our lives, we are dying because drugs are not there in clinics” said Phiri.

Christine Zulu of Kakonje village told Dr Banda not to get surprised when he hears of disease outbreak as people consume contaminated water from streams where dogs, cows and other wild animals also drink.

“We appeal for your intervention,” said Zulu.

Dr Banda assured the electorates that various roads, including boarder roads would be worked on.

He asked the electorates to be patient with government a little while.

Earlier, Dr Banda made a stop-over at Chimphundu RCZ church where he donated 25 bags of cement, 7 roof ridges and gave out K500 as offering to the amusement of the church.


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