Friday May 28 2021

SOLWEZI – UPND National Youth Chairman Gilbert Liswaniso was today summoned Solwezi police and questioned over the alleged holding of unlawful rallies in the Province.

However, a defiant General Mosquito said there nothing wrong meeting people and mobilising party structures ahead on the 12 August elections in a democratic dispensation like Zambia.

“We are operating within the confines of the law and we will continue meeting the people on the ground and organise party structures. We are not holding any illegal gatherings but simply reaching out to the suffering Zambians,” General Mosquito said.

Mr. Liswaniso reminded Zambians to open their eyes to see the evil, confusion and anarchy the PF has sown in the country.

“They are using the police and the Public Order Act to suppress and disadvantage the opposition, mainly the UPND. They have forgotten that the August election is not between the UPND and the PF but it is a battle between the good and evil, the suffering Zambians and the PF,” he said.

Mr. Mr. Liswaniso, however assured the police that the UPND will always engage them as long as they work in a professional manner.

“It is disheartening to see the PF use youths to orchestrate violence in the country. We as UPND youths are so committed and resolved to stop political violence by encouraging politics of ideas. We have witnessed PF thugs coming to our meetings with intentions to provoke our youths so that they respond, but we have disciplined youths who have said no to violence,” he said.

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