….says he is shocked that the Head of State has continued promising of more energy projects when previous ones have not come to fruition

Lusaka… Sunday, September 8, 2024

Socialist Party President Dr. Fred M’membe has asked President Hakainde Hichilema to inform the nation on the progress made regarding the 2000 megawatts of solar energy from United Arab Emirates.

Dr. M’membe says he is shocked that the Head of State has come back from China promising more projects in the energy sector when the previous ones have not been done.

“Last year on the 17th of January, Mr Hichilema posted on his Facebook page that he had clinched a deal with United Arab Emirates state owned company called MASDAR for a US$2 billion investment in the renewable energy to generate solar power of 2000 megawatts. It’s approaching two years now, where is that 2000MW of energy? We had the maximum capacity of about 3000MW, if we had added 2000MW, we would be talking about 5000MW. It would have cushioned us in terms of load-shedding that our people are enduring today, some having electricity for a few minutes in 48 hours,” he said.

“Today our people have difficulties ironing what they have to wear, they have difficulties cooking, they have difficulties storing foods, the deep fridges are no longer working, they have to go to the shops everyday. Even the shops are finding it difficult storing things in the cold room. They have to run generators for close to 24hrs a day. It is a huge challenge and their leaders promised almost two years ago of bringing 2000MW of solar energy for MASDAR over a US$2 billion investment.”

He said this administration is good at making promises but they fail to deliver.

“But today, the same mouth is promising the same things from China. After being in China for a few days, they have clinched other solar energy projects. They are not even telling you what has happened to that MASDAR project of US$2 billion, they were boasting about it,” he added.

“Before Mr Hichilema won the elections in 2021, he had gone to America when he came back he said he had contracted or pledges about US$3 billion investment immediately he wins the elections. We have never seen that US$3 billion investment. Wherever they go, when they come back there are Memorandum of Understanding signed, there deals clinched of big amounts.”

Meanwhile, Dr. M’membe said Zambians are burdened with a lot of taxes confirming the recent adjustments in mobile money transaction charges.
SP Media


  1. Hakainde is a failure. A total failure. There is nothing this man can do..Yes he can do the chaotic CDF here and there,. That’s his level .Governing a country is beyond him. He is incapable.
    It’s not only the UAE Masdar Deal he promised. He signed a lot of MOUs on Energy, and the Sick Media…the ZNBC , Daily Mail and Times of Zambia were screaming at the nation at the great achievements of the Great Leader.
    UK Energy, Greenco, China CiEG, and lots of others – a combined total of over 6 GW ! What has been actualized?? Zero.
    Then today he comes with some more MOUs.The man has no shame.
    Let me share what success looks like.

    ECL in 2015, months into his presidency signed a deal with China for 750 MW Kafue Lower Gorge Hydro Power involving China Exim and Sino Hydro and the Project started immediately…KLG is generating power which Hakainde has been exporting.

    ECL initiated the project with Maamba Collieries for generation of 300 MW Thermal Power. And the project started immediately which Hakainde has been exporting.

    ECL even set up a Nuclear power Advisory board made up of scientists from our Universities to explore the Potential for Nuclear power looking at abundant Uranium in North Western Province.
    From 2011 to 2021 the power generation capacity of Zambia was raised to over 3000MW… making the country self sufficient in energy.
    And here comes Hakainde, he starts exporting everything! Subjecting the country to 21-48 hours load shedding, and he has the audacity now to even be teasing us..that we shouldn’t mourn about electricity..We should use our hunger to install solar power at our homes! What kind of man is this?
    This man is a failure…a Total failure. And come 2026 he is going.

  2. You will never much HH that way. And if you continue criticising in that manner, you will get lost. Bring solutions for the identified problems so that people can hear and see that you’re so intelligent.
    You can’t waste all of these time in opposition without introducing even any simple idea on governance, NO. Mr Sata used to tell us that he would introduce lower taxe, more money into peoples pockets and many more,
    But what about you? What are going to do for the people? We want to hear something thing like that.
    Edgar Lungu is gone and he’s a forgotten creature in governance.
    It’s time for HH until 2031. So you can simply start shaping and making more plans for 2031


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