Given Lubinda

Mr Given Lubinda, the select committee already rejected Bill 10, in case you don’t know.

Justice minister Given Lubinda says he expects all MPs who sat on the Bill 10 select committee to support the bill.

How does Lubinda expect the select committee to support Bill 10 when the same select committee rejected almost 90% of the Bill 10 recommendations?

The select committee which included PF MPs like Brian Mundubile and Tutwa Ngulube recommended that some of the Bill 10 proposals be rejected outrightly while others could be amended as a minimum for them to pass. The commendation to reject or amend accounted for majority of the Bill 10 proposals.

So what does our arrogant minister of justice Given Lubinda except the select committee to support?

Yama ba Given this Bill 10 has been rejected by a wide section of Zambians. Shelve it and move on. You will lose nothing. In nstead you will gain a lot of respect from many Zambians and posterity will judge you kindly.

Ba Given, scripture says ‘pride goes before destruction’. Heed your Catholic Bishops, as a devotee Catholic, and do the right thing. Shelve this divisive and potentially destructive bill.


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