Nevers Mumba a puppet of Zimbabwe opposition – Zim Govt


THE government has criticized foreign election observer missions’ preliminary reports saying they smack of influence from the opposition and are not a true representation of the electoral processes.

This is in response to damning preliminary reports that have been released by foreign observer missions that have poked holes in the country’s general elections.

Southern African Development Community (SADC), European Union Election Observer Mission (EUEOM) and Commonwealth released preliminary reports that denounced Wednesday’s polls.

The usually submissive SADC discredited the polls saying some aspects failed to meet the standards of the bloc’s electoral expectations.

The reports have not settled well with the Zanu PF led government which through the Minister of Justice accused the missions of working with the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

“We have received several preliminarily observer reports. Some are very balanced and objective. We believe as government we must respond when inaccuracies are peddled around and we need to set the record straight.

“It is very disappointing that some of the reports that have been issued so far read like a script from one of the election contenders as there appears to be a wholesome adoption of their position as an established fact.

“It is my grave concern that the EU has heavily relied on what appears to be the position of CCC in attacking our democracy, our laws and our sovereignty,” said Ziyambi.

In the reports released by the observer missions the August 23 to 24 elections were mired in irregularities which witnessed some polling stations receiving ballot papers late and in extreme running out of the materials.

The opposition has labeled the elections as far from free and fair as a result of the conduct by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

In the aftermath of the damning preliminary report Nevers Mumba – head of SADC mission- has become a target of attack by Zanu PF and the government who have cast aspersions on his integrity.

“It is important to note that when observers come into a country holding elections. Their mandate is limited to fact finding related to the specific poll and not to a collection of grievances as witnessed in the report by our dear brother from Zambia and EU reports.

“Infact I do not know where he was getting his report from. The brother from Zambia I do not believe is a true reflection of the entire team that he was working with or the thinking of SADC.

“I think he simply decided to use his prerogative as the head of the mission to issue a statement that is more or less similar to the grievances we already knew some of the contenders were saying,” said Ziyambi.


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