Hon. Romeo Kangombe

Contact: UPND Sesheke MP, Romeo Kang’ombe
+260 97 4661210

Email: info@upndzambia.org


2nd October, 2020


At the time our country is struggling economically because of a debts crisis, our exchange rates are getting worse by day and citizens are struggling to survive due to high cost of living. When people are expecting leaders to offer solutions to the many challenges our country is faced with today, the President and his minions are busy playing silly politics. When citizens are expecting Civil Societies Organization to petition the President to call for an economic indaba and discuss how we can save our country and it’s people from poverty, we have a click of money hungry baboons misleading the already visionless President that a commission of Inquiry on Privatisation which took place 30yrs ago will save our economy and stabilize the kwacha.

Just like many citizens Andrew Ntewewe is hungry because PF has failed to manage the economy of our country. Instead of thinking how we can save the masses from poverty Ntewewe has opted to think about his belly only. I sympathize with him, he thinks the commission of inquiry will be a good scheme to steal public funds but little does he know that he is digging a grave for his pay master.

The commission of inquiry on privatisation is just a scheme for the PF surrogates to steal more money from the national treasury. I can assure you that this commission of inquiry will back fire on Edgar Lungu and Edith Nawakwi. No weapon fashioned against Hakainde Hichilema shall prosper, many attempt have been made including trying to take his life but Hakainde Hichilema is protected by the blood of Jesus.

We are not worried about the commission of inquiry, our focus still remains on the coming general elections because we can’t wait to liberate our country and our people from the Patriotic Front inflicted poverty and and sufferings. The same poverty that is making Andrew Ntewewe to take his nieces and nephews to state house to beg for food in the name of a petition.

Zambia needs change and change is coming.



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