Sangwa ready to work with PF to stop UPND


Sangwa ready to work with PF to stop UPND

ZAMBIA’s renowned constitutional lawyer, State Counsel John Sangwa, has announced his willingness to partner with the Patriotic Front (PF) to oppose any constitutional amendments being promulgated by the President Hakainde Hichilema and his United Party for National Development (UPND).

Mr Sangwa SC has strongly criticized the UPND for claiming there are lacunae in the constitution that could lead Zambia not holding its periodical general elections for up to nine years, asserting the claims are perilously baseless.

In his second appearance on Emmanuel Mwamba’s Conversation Podcast, Mr Sangwa has declared that he would oppose the UPND plan to adulterate the constitution with his whole.

“Just like we opposed the amendments of the Constitution by PF through Bill 10, we must hold UPND to the same standard. We cannot allow the amendments of the Constitution simply because UPND opposed it before,” Mr Sangwa said.


  1. By wanting to work with people who destroyed the country, looted national and killed innocent and defenseless citizens, he’s making himself an accomplice.

  2. Ba Sangwa, please slow down and take a deep breath. Why don’t you wait to see the parts of the constitution the UPND want to amend before making such a sweeping statement? Especially as it involves working with the notorious PF.

    Do you know something sinister about HH and the UPND that we are not privy to? If so, kindly share. Otherwise your statements are beginning to get worrisome.

    • It is expected that a lawyer of Mr. Sangwa’s status would at least refrain from making comments of this nature until more details are made available in relation to the parts of the constitution being talked about.

  3. Me Sangwa you know what kind of anal PF is, if you are joining them to fight for a return to power, l will begin to daught you, if it is to fight the imaginary constitutional amendment, then that is fine

  4. No Sangwa is very right. UPND need to be reminded that in a democracy things go through opposition, political technical spiritual or otherwise. UPND are presently acting like second republic ruler. They want to decree stuff to all of us. We need many Sangwas to arise and be heard

  5. Sangwa, your sentiment is misplaced because you are presuming that PF will oppose the amendment. This is an open proposal for members of parliament to look at. Who told you that PF as a party will oppose it anyway? Am I missing something you are privy to?


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