Stop The Rhetoric And Cheap Talk….the UPND Alliance Tells The Sean Tembo Opposition Group

Sean Tembo


Monday January 2022

The UPND Alliance has taken note of the myriad of issues that some opposition political parties have raised; in criticising the ruling party and in particular President Hakainde Hichilema in the general management of his government at a press briefing today.

These included Sean Tembo’s Patriots for Economic Progress (PEP) Saboi Imboela’s National Democratic Congress (NDC) faction, Harry Kalaba’s Democratic Party (DP) faction, Andiford Banda’s Peoples Alliance for Chance (PAC) amongst others

It is important that certain dynamics are put in the correct perspective so that nation understands what where and why their aprehension arises from.

Hasten to state that as part of the New Dawn democratic political dispensation, which the UPND Alliance is committed to entrench, and as part of it’s election campaign promises, everyone, every citizen or political grouping has the right to an honest conversation about what they wish to propagate in a free and fair atmosphere.
This as long as it falls in the confines of the law.

Such is the atmosphere that we all clamour for as citizens of this great nation.

The conglomerate of opposition political parties which today held a press conference to castigate the six months old UPND Alliance government is therefore being less than candid to assert that we have deserted from our promises of a complete transformation of our society through best democratic practice.

The majority of us citizens are in agreement that this country was in the last ten years hemorrhaged through a systematic rape of its resources. Institutionalised corruption, the outright break down of the rule of law and many other draconian ways of governance.

And as President Hichilema has asserted before, He will ensure that all those involved or suspected to be involved in financial and economic crimes will be brought to book and in a lawful way made to account for their misdeeds. The President has also assured time and again that he will not interfere with investigations by law enforcement agencies to deal with their work professionally.

We as an Alliance are therefore short of being outrightly shocked on how then, there is a rising and sustained chorus on why or why not certain individuals have been called for interviews, warned and cautioned or arrested for various crimes.

It is not the job of the President to prosecute.

We want to reaffirm our commitment to the people of Zambia that no stone will be left unturned in claiming that which was stolen from the Zambian people. This will be done regardless of political affiliation or any other interest group.

Let not these opposition partys roundly condemn the work that is being meticulously, systematically and expeditiously done by the authorities to bring back some semblance of sanity to the nation.

And in any case, it is individuals who are being questioned and not any grouping. Nobody is being persecuted but will however be prosecuted if found wanting. The rule of law will supercede any unsubstantiated ‘wolf cries’ coming from any quarters of society.

The very condusive and peaceful manner in which this opposition political conglomerate was able to hold their press conference today, is a clear manifestation of the policies of the President Hichilema led Alliance government.

We would like to implore our colleagues in the opposition to continue offering checks and balances in a way that will make them relevant to the aspirations of the Zambian people.

Most, if not all of the concerns brought out by the opposition political parties are matters that are being duly dealt with by the relevant authorities charged with the responsibility.

This government in its set goals is in pole- position to deliver what it promised to the people and so far it’s policies are bearing fruit.

We can only encourage our opposition political friends to partner with government in delivering development to the Zambian people instead of mere rhetoric and cheap talk .

I thank you

Issued by
Daniel Simunza
UPND Alliance Spokesperson.


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