Candidates Chief Admin(The Candidates)
Chilufya Tayali – who calls himself a Public Layer – yet, he has never stepped in any law school, has embarked on a path to push the Patriotic Front (PF) to hurriedly elect a leader.Chilufya now feels he has much influence in Zambia, such that, whatever he says, everyone must pay attention and adhere. Perhaps, Chilufya has been allowed by characters, elements in PF to have power over them. We find it not strange that Chilufya is now the biggest influencer in PF. They created this monster themselves. They created this Chilufya themselves. This is a product of their own factory. They manufactured a monster in Chilufya and they must live with it.

Behind all those rantings, all those talks that PF must elect a leader as soon as yesterday, there is Brian Mundubile – a cheap coward who can’t speak for himself but pays such people as Chilufya to talk on his behalf. It is Brian who is speaking using the mouth of Chilufya.

Whatever Chilufya is saying, it is Brian saying.
All this while, Brian was okay with PF not going to the convention to elect a new leader, soonest. Brian and his bootlickers, his sycophants basked in a self-manufactured falsehood that Edgar Lungu wanted him to be PF president. Indirectly and directly, Brian and his minions carried this message throughout the country to their party structures that, indeed, he was the chosen one of Edgar.
The truth is now setting in. Brian was never anyone’s preferred candidate. He was being created into this person who has been picked by Edgar, by himself and his minions to fool delegates of the PF convention.

Today, Brian and his minion are reading politics differently. They think Edgar is slowly positioning himself to come back, having looked at the reception he is receiving even from the very people who insulted him, not long ago. This is not settling well with Brian and his string of minions. His sycophants. They are not happy and now, they have released the barking, through Chilufya to begin pushing for a convention. They want this done hastily, as soon as yesterday, because they fear if they take long, Edgar would have strategized on how to be PF presidential candidate in 2026.

It takes very little intelligence – if a little is all that one has – to tell whom, Chilufya is talking for. He is talking for his master, Brian. One of the things Chilufya said in justifying himself was that Hakainde Hichilema needs a very brave person, as opposition leader. If you look at Brian, do you think he is a brave person? How can you think Brian is brave when all he does is hide behind hired dogs of the wind? How can you say Brian is brave when he is a scaredy-cat?


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