The fight against Lusaka Archdiocese, Archbishop Alick Banda and the Catholic Church is a desperate but futile fight – Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba


By Amb. Emmanuel Mwamba

The fight against Lusaka Archdiocese, Archbishop Alick Banda and the Catholic Church is a desperate but futile fight


● ZRA under its disposal policies of seized goods, granted vehicles to the Zambia Police, Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

● ZRA also gave selected Faith-based Organisations, motor vehicles inclusing the Catholic Church.

● the 22 Vehicles were sold to ZRA Employees. The Toyota Hilux vehicle, blue in colour, was bought by an employee who later gifted it to Archbishop Alick Banda.

● ZRA never gifted Archbishop Alick Banda any vehicle.

● Contrary to the propaganda created by State House rogue online page that Archbishop is in Lusaka, he has been in Europe since 31st August 2024.


  1. Bwamba you penchant for twisting facts and misinformation will not change the fact that this bishop satana’s true being is coming out in the open! Otherwise you’d have named the zra employee that bought and gifted the hilux tefyo??

    And you keep wanting to insinuate the Catholic Church is involved in your bishop satana’s stupidity, what are trying to achieve?

  2. There is no law that says that employees of ZRA should have the first go at buying STATE property. There is no law that says that ZRA has the power to give STATE property to Faith based organisations. What ZRA confiscates becomes property of the Zambian citizens- the 20 million of them. The stewardship of all Zambian property is given to the Ministry under which that property falls and if cash, the Treasury. It is sad that the same people who, RIGHTLY, condemn the giving of mines and buildings to private and foreign firms, do not see anything wrong with giving state property to individuals who are in the favour of political leaders.
    LET US LEARN TO RESPECT PUBLIC PROPERTY. We are only stewards not owners.

  3. Emmanuel!!! What is wrong with this guy??? You are embarrassing yourself yama!!!! STOP IT. THIS IS NOT CHECKS AND BALANCES ANY MORE. THIS IS INSANITY NOW….. The President is fighting no one. You imaginary fights will drive you mad. Or is it the loss of power haunting you guys???

  4. I fail to understand how Mr. Mwamba comes into this. Was he employed by ZRA when all this was happening?

    Since he has inside information of what transpired, I suggest he should be called as a witness either by the prosecution or the defendant .

  5. This is what happens when you are caught with your pants down and have no explaination.
    The Catholic Church can speak for itself. After all they chose to speak for me like I dont have a mouth of my own.
    This Banda man is an embarassment to hinself and the church in most civilised countries he would ha e stepped aside.
    ZRA according to Suzyo Ngandu was very clear about ZRA policies. The question is in what capacity did the Bishop get a car registered in his personal name?
    What gave ZRA the right to so and why was it not done correctly? In fact both cars.
    We speak of inpropriety. This is a perfect example of it. Quid pro quo. And from the very utterances of the Bishop using the church. The church has been captured to speak for PF.

    A pay hand which a sad and emabarassing development for an impartial and objective organisation to find itself in.


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