Dear Dr. Chishimba Kambwili we have come to know you as among those within the political conscience of Zambia. Indeed when you launched NDC, a number of people particularly in the Copperbelt, saw you as a voice of reason, comfort and hope.
Many left the PF to be with you on the side of change, one of those people is Obet Kasongo, who died as he campaigned for you. Many youths were brutalized on that fateful day and you rightfully opened dockets at the police, concerning those crimes.
The journey in the opposition is a very taxing and difficult one in Zambia, especially with the current regime. There isn’t any opposition party worth their salt, that hasn’t suffered in Zambia. Nevers Mumba has had to have meetings in the bush, suffered tear gas shots, anarchy in his own party and countless arrests.
The UPND have suffered quite massively, having lost a number of their supporters, due to political killings. Yet they remain standing. They would have long gone into oblivion but their leader has become a brother to them. He has helped sustain them, keeping the party afloat in a period of 20+ years.
You too sir, have suffered quite massively, to a point where even your health became compromised. It has been a tough road. Your family whom you had successfully kept out of the political limelight, sadly and regrettably, became victims of the inhuman treatment at the hands of our police.
Sir, they have heaped you with cases and even convicted you on a useless charge, which even Sean Tembo, agreed shouldn’t have been brought up. I can only sympathize with what you have gone through.
It is true that Zambia needs change. Otherwise we wouldn’t have so many political parties opposing PF. The PF have entrenched themselves within the government machinery, such that it makes some political players, to cower and resubmit themselves in fear. Such fear or defeat though regrettable, is understandable.
The time however is now, that we need to search deep within, for that extra strength, to finish the extra mile, until we cross the line, even if nobody else is following.
Am reminded of the story of Jesus Christ that at the time of his arrest and crucifixion, all his disciples that had been with him for years, scampered. Jesus was however not surprised, he expected it. The disciples didn’t have the strength to go the extra mile. That came later, after they had the Holy Spirit in them, giving them the strength to even willingly die for Christ. They were glad to be matyred if need be.
My prayer is that you and other political players, have the courage and strength for what is really right before God and before people. It is true one day we will all stand before God almighty, to give account of our actions. Let it be said on that day that, dear Lord, we did our best to face injustice and spoke for the defenceless. We stood for what is right, even when others didn’t follow. Let it be said so on that day.
I hope my few words would meet your favorable thoughts and render some encouragement.
Thank you,
Kasololo Chisenga.