Prophet Anointed CFM

Ruling Patriotic Front youths have written to the Nigerian government over alleged defamatory remarks by Andrew Elimadu popularly known as Seer 1.

In a letter of protest to the Nigerian Embassy which was signed by all provincial party chaipersons, PF youth chairperson Kelvin Sampa stated that Seer 1 has been running a sustained hate and propaganda campaign against President Lungu and his government.

He has called on the Nigerian government to act on the matter.

“It is my singular honor to write to you, your Excellency. Kindly accept my utmost regards and consideration. Your excellency, I write to protest in the strongest terms the sustained unwarranted inflammatory, malicious, slanderous and criminally defamatory attacks by the said Mr Andrew Elimadu populary known as Prophet Seer 1 against His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia and his government,” Mr Sampa stated.

“Mr Ejimadu, the founder of Christ Freedom Ministries, once lived in Lusaka, Zambia and was arrested and deported in 2016 for allegedly raping a teenage girl among other numerous allegations against him. For months on end, Mr Elimadu has been running a sustained hate and propaganda campaign via social media and Television platforms against President Lungu and his government. He has been using these platforms to maliciously and criminally defame and malign President Lungu and his senior government officials.”

He stated that remarks by Seer 1 were highly offensive to the government of Zambia.

He stated that Seer 1 was aiming at raising hate and anger in the Zambian people so that they can rise against President Lungu and his government.

“As national youth chairperson for the ruling Patriotic Front Party, and as a bonafide citizen of the Republic of Zambia, I find Mr Ejimadu’s utterances and conduct highly offensive, repugnant and an affront to the sovereign and territory authority of our state, Zambia. It’s been observed that Mr Ejimadu’s attacks are aimed at raising hate and anger in the Zambian people so that they can rise against a legitimately elected President and his government. This is totally unacceptable and cannot be allowed to continue. Your Excellency, it is for this reason that I write you this protest letter and strongly beseech your honorable office to take appropriate action to censure and reproach the said Mr Ejimadu for his unbecoming conduct. It is my utmost faith and belief, your Excellency, that you will do everything within your powers to promptly act on this matter for brotherly and cordial bilateral relations that our two countries have been enjoying for many years,” Mr Sampa stated.












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