CDF is a disaster
By Rev Chilekwa Mulenga
Wed 14th August, 2024
We commend H.E the President Mr Hakainde Hichilema and his party the UPND for increasing the CDF allocation from where the PF administration left it, at a very low figure of K1.6m to the current allocation standing at K30.6m per constituency this year. Zambia has a total of 156 constituencies.
We must however be quick to state that the UPND administration has encouraged the mismanagement of the program and used CDF for PDF in the last three years.
The following figures represent a picture of CDF for the last three years under the UPND in Government.
(1) Year 2022 CDF was placed at K25.7m
Total across constituencies;
K4,009,200,000 Billion
(2) Year 2023 CDF was placed at K28.3m
Total across constituencies;
K4,414,800,000 Billion
(3) Year 2024 CDF was placed at K30.6m
Total across constituencies;
K4,773,600,000 Billion
The grand total so far as at this year 2024 CDF stands at;
K13,197,600,000 Billion
(trillions in unrebassed kwacha)
According to the UPND Administration, a total of K84,6m (25.7 + 28.3 + 30.6) CDF is what would be spent in each constituency by end of 2024.
A quick check on the ground, sadly reveals that CDF has not changed the majority constituencies in terms of serious development, but a few connected to those in power or committee members. It is even more concerning to hear that women are being sexually manipulated to access CDF under the UPND administration going by lamentations from the Ndola Mayor Hon Jones Kalyati as was reported by some section of the media.
To date, hardly no constituency can point at any reasonable developmental projects under CDF apart from a few unplastered toilets and small class room blocks at inflated figures which still can not equate to the amounts injected into each constituency so far. In some cases, they’ve also kept purchasing second hand graders which are parked at Local Authorities gathering dust and not benefitting the locals, how sad !
The CDF under the UPND is a sad story of good program. The intended impact of CDF has not been realised due to partizan lenses and has not been appreciated by majority Zambians. A lot of our people don’t even know how CDF looks like later on how it tastes. There is nothing much on the ground save in a few people’s pockets which won’t last as it keeps going to waste, what a shame !
Further, on a sad note, the Church has been sidelined at the table of decision making (CDFC) and has not benefitted much due to corruption and unnecessary partizan elements. The three years of CDF under the UPND is a sad story and a conduit for serious corruption. The CDF annual absorption rate remains on average below 20% in the last three years, which is very unfortunate and sometimes makes us feel for President Hichilema whose desire was to see CDF work as a game changer but alas the results are poor.
Finally, we urge H.E President Hichilema to call for the audit of CDF for the last three years and review the program. We have reason to believe that CDF has become one of the means for deep corruption. The ACC should also move in and do their job. We hope and trust that the CDF program would improve in the coming year as the UPND first term of office nears expiry as Parliament dissolves in May 2026 in readiness for tripartite elections in August of the same year.
Ndola, Copperbelt, Zambia.
Well said. An audit of the manner funds are being will show flaws in tge system and individuals and committees collude to undermine the system that may have been created.
The middle or end of 2022 adverts were placed in the paper to fill staff that the then Mweetwa local government commission. Its interesring that Gary Nkombo lamented the fact that staffing were not qualified for the positions that they were appointed to serve.
The President should review the work that all the Conmissioners have done as they seem to be self serving and not complimenting the sector that they needed to address.
I say this as the Public service commission has people languisging at Cabinet office. Why?
The Police IG has lamented of “junkies” in the service. Why should all the comissions be failing to address the issues that plague the electorate and the administrations efforts to address service delivery?
We are wasting our time with these corrupt thieves in power. Thankfully, they have less than 2 years in office.
Vote wisely in 2026.
You will defeat UPND leadership if your ka insignificant one PF vote is equivalent to 50+1 votes. Failure to that nimat*vi reasoning ayo malume. Your PF Reverend is not factual on CDF program in Zambia the fact that it is not backed by any survey to support him. Nayeve iyi nimat*vi submission from your PF clergyman.
This rev must part of those ‘christians for lungu’ hence now advocating for the church to be included in the CDF committees. Kaili nomba brown envelopes for these papas there’s no!!
CDF has been loud on the injection side but not as loud on the utilisation side especially in urban areas
Well articulated Man of God. Let those with eyes see and those with ears hear. The fact is that there’s no tangible thing that can be seen that symbolizes the traces of cdf in the country.
A reverand telling lies, this is the reason the country stagnanted economically with such shallow minded people. At least for once he needs to be very sincere with his opinions and comments