…as he implores President HH to provide leadership before it’s too late

Lusaka – Thursday, 12 September, 2024 (Smart Eagles)

Shiwang’andu Member of Parliament Stephen Kampyongo has bemoaned the disrespect and insults the United Party for National Development (UPND) members and the ruling party’s surrogates are dishing out to the church leaders.

Bishop Alick Banda has been among the victims of such disrespect, and President Hichilema’s silence on such matters has been way too loud.

Addressing the media yesterday, Hon Kampyongo reminded the President about the commitment he made saying he was going to work with the church.

He advised the President to provide leadership before its too late, stressing that disrespect to one Bishop is disrespect to the entire body of Christ.

“He assured the church that he will work with them. Your surrogates and members of your party have continued to be disrespectful to our church leaders and especially the catholic church. But sir, you should know that when your people attack, disgrace the Bishop of Lusaka, Alick Banda, they are not attacking him alone. You are attacking the whole church of the catholic,” he said.

“It is not long ago when Bishop Banda was called Lucifer and we have not heard anything from the party. Today, we are seeing innuendos peddled about the same. Bishop has run away, he has done this, how could you be so disrespectful? So, Mr President, provide leadership. Our Bishop in Kabwe, whose meeting was disrupted, with the former Head of State, former president Edgar Chagwa Lungu.”

He stressed the need for such attacks to be stopped.

“Like I said, you disrespect our Bishops, you are also disrespecting our Priests… and you are disrespecting the entire leadership of the catholic church. So, these attacks must stop and Mr President sir, provide leadership before it’s too late,” Kampyongo said.


  1. Working with the church doesn’t mean working with wrong doers in church ,stealing from the poor. Public assets belong to the public not politicians or priests. Don’t bring the body of Christ in your wrong doing or thieving of public assets. When it’s wrong it’s wrong illispective of who is involved it’s wrong chapwa! This is why pfools can never come back to power. This has nothing to do with the president but yourselves and wrong doing activities. If you don’t see anything wrong with a priest being gifted a zra vehicle then forget of coming back to power whiich will never happen anyway. Keep dreaming. This explains why the man has been so vocal against government. The saying goes ” chairman bamulasa ichagayo” hence the support for pfools.

  2. Don’t talk about disrespect when you disrespected almost everybody when you had the power that went to your head. For you the important thing is to remain silent because most of the things you comment against now, you did worse in your time,l wonder why you do till force yourself to walk with you head high when everyone has a say about you where ever you pop up

  3. The wrong chap here is Kampongo. Bishop Banda was just given the vehicle by these shameless thieves in the pf party. They now want to show citizens that they are more caring than the UPND!!!!!!? Fools.

  4. Let this PF cadre Alick Banda resign from the church like how Frank Bwalya did when he wanted to play politics so that he can come into the political forum than hiding behind the church.

  5. Clearly this MP cant enact any laws to protect citizens. In his mind he doesnt see anything with the Bishop being in posession of stolen property. Wonder what kind of morals exist in this man’s home.
    The Catholic church needs to explain to the Zambian people in which capacity this vehicle was recieved and if it too was complict in recieving stolen property, a stain on the church. If Banda recieved this car in his personal capacity, let him be caged. Unknowly or not Banda should have made sure the car was clean. Ku konda ma brown envelope, while failing to hold one’s self to the standard of one’s calling

  6. Jesus already said it, you can’t serve two Masters at go Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. there is no one who can serve the church and politics at the same time. Those who cling to the Lord have great peace. So first thing is to stop politics and concentrate on the church.

  7. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking the Archbishop to clear his name in relation to an asset allegedly acquired illegality.

    By the way, the law is unware of the status of any suspect.

    • And today’s article in News Diggers brings that out. Banda recieved something aquired criminally. The Catholic Church and all Churches should be cautious in this regard. Now from the mannet Banda has been acting and commenting on issues. He has used the Church and its been Captured in the manner the pulpit is being used for poltical messaging.
      That is not the role of the Church. Jesus admonished the Pharasees when they turn the Church into a market. And the Catholic Church is allowing this. All the more need for Banda to resign his position. Had it been this isolated incident. We would give him the benefit of the doubt. Reading the level he has stooped to be a “Lungu” mouth piece is what is worrying.
      If Banda wants to be a Politican, let him choose but let him not hide behind the clergy and “cloth”. All is fair in love and war; as the saying goes.

  8. Lack of education displayed by Kampyongo. Uneducated people behave like dogs surely. No shame!!!! You cannot support criminal behaviour. As a servant of a clean God he should have refused the gift be it a car or house. Servants of God do not receive gifts from the heathen. He knew that car was from a company. He should have used his rotten brain to know there was something wrong. You don’t receive a car from a Parastatal company for free. He is just dirty and deserves the embarrassment.

  9. Kampyongo so you mean if a priest is found with stolen or a property with questionable status he or she shouldn’t be investigated? Just say Amen! Is that what you mean? Bishop Banda is not even a Bishop, chi gown chabe which disguises him from staunch PF Cadre.
    What disrespect is it by the President when the security wings are performing there duties. Have you heard your colleagues making noise apart from same feathers M’membe. Baba it is a motor vehicle in wrong hands let the PF Bishop Banda clear his name. If he fails law is law it has no eyes. It is blind therefore on such clergymen it is applicable

  10. Point of correction Mr Kampyongo; there is no attack on the entire Catholic it is only Bishop Banda don’t make it sound disastrous. Even fellow Bishops wouldn’t like to see such scandals by their own. They are quiet, they can see it is not political but reality of society lust. So don’t incite the Catholics, they are intelligent enough to analyze Bishop Banda issue. Let the law take it’s full course.

  11. This Kampyongo knows that the Catholic Church is huge. So he is hoping for an uprise. Bishop Banda has openly shown his hate of president Hichilema. Was he dumb when Lungu was tormenting and locking up HH. ? Banda became very angry when ECL list the elections and many of us wondered why because ÈCL is not Catholic and now we have the answer.

    • But equally the Church recieved a car as well.
      Either the point out who instigated the gifting.
      Institutions are abused in this country as they can not speak. Its individuals within institutions that when they see something wrong that need to speak for the institution.

      To me Banda and individuals in the Church were aware and thus complicit. Sometime when one rotten groundnut is eaten, you spit out a mouthful. Moral of the story, there is something amiss in the leadership of Alick Banda and this has led to the tainting of the church.
      Remember of the Priest that wrote an article bringing out the “rot” in Banda and his leadership? The adultery, the brown envelopes? We dismissed it. Now the chickens have come to roost.

  12. A wrong is wrong and doesn’t matter who has committed it. The notion that the clergy can not error or be rebuked is not good. First of all the clergy are human like any other human being. If the vehicle that was given to Bishop Alick Banda was given to him dubiously there is no wrong committed when the law enforcement agencies grab the same vehicle from Bishop Alick Banda.

    Stephen Kampyongo was a chief thug who led a group of bandits and hooligans during the PF government. Therefore, he has no moral uprightness to condemn the government. He was part of a brutal regime that terrorised the citizens with all kinds of violence, thuggery, brutality and hooliganism. Similarly, it is not all the clergy who possesses sanctity, we have seen some rogue promised clergy who are in the forefront of promoting tribal divisions and evil agendas.

    The PF should not allege that the government is fighting the church because those utterances are misplaced and misleading.


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