VIDEO: You will not return PS Thabo Kawana assures ECL



  1. Thabo Kawana, what will it take for you to realise that that is not the role of a ‘civil servant ‘ like you? Your role is not to issue such politically-loaded statements. Leave that to your Minister Cornelius Mweetwa.

  2. @Gunner He needs to be sued. There must be bodies that should prevent such misuse of Zambian state funds by conmen such as him. Both UPND and Thabo should be sued so that all other political parties learn a lesson. They are using national treasury funds for UPND political campaigns. It is not allowed unless in one party states.

  3. Even if ECL doesn’t return UPND’s days in power are numbered too. You can do and say whatever you want to cling to power, but one day you too will leave that chair


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