
By Raphael Nakacinda


It is very true that the statement by PF and Tonse alliance SG Hon comrade Nakachinda that PF would buy the burial site and coffin was on point.

What must be noted is that by the time PF went to secure the burial site, they found socialist members , family members to Dandy in the presence of other musician trying to secure the burial site.

The family members were kept at grave site for over 3 hrs while waiting for socialist to raise the money for the burial site the family had chosen, at that point PF asked to pay, the burial site the family chose was worth K50, 000 and PF negotiated and were given the discount of K600 and paid K49, 400. The only thing PF didnt do was put the receipt in their names but was put in the name of a family representative present.

When PF asked the family that they proceed to buy the coffin the family and the musician present indicated a well wisher had already procured the coffin, asked who the well wisher was so they could refund the money back as was already budgeted for and announced , the family and the musician declined to disclose the identity of the well wisher. Noticing the presence of socialist members, it was obvious to some extent.

It was then revealed that the coffin is paid for except for services. So PF asked to be taken where coffin was bought, it was at St. Anne’s UTH where PF leaders it was the socialist that bought the coffin and the receipts were in their names. At that point PF paid for other services that socialist had not paid for, the amount was in excess of K11, 000 which means PF in total had spent over K60, 000 towards the funeral of the great legend Dandy.

*Caution:* Politics of wanting to take advantage of misfortunes of others to gain political advantage must be discouraged, it’s unzambian.


  1. Who cares? You can spend One Million Kwacha if you want. That doesnt change the spots on leopards skin. You can not spend your way out of problems you created. Zambian sima ma hule for people to think we that easily bought. Nga aba shifya? Have provided for them as well or it ends with this useless gesture?

  2. Some politicians can really be childish to the extent of our doing each other over someone’s funeral. It it even necessary for PF and Socialist to compete on who spends more than the other camp. I wonder if in life the two camps really loved him that much and how they will henceforth demonstrate that love by supporting the widow and children. Anyway this now sounds like a Nigerian movie.

  3. Shameless pfools, is this the reason you attended that funeral? Genuine donors don’t brag about what they give out, only fools do so. You can buy coffins for all the dead in Zambia you will still not be voted for. Making political mileage over the dead is discarsting to say the least. Where are your morals you guys? This is unChristian in a Christian country.

  4. There they go again. These adult populist idi-ots. Can these chaos mange a country. Shameless chancers. Mwanya we shall see what you will be fighting for after tomorrow Monday. You political witches. Mwe ndoshi inwe.

  5. So you failed to give him even K100 when he was alive but willing to spend more than K60000 even trying to compete on who could spend more for his funeral.

  6. So the whole unfortunate incident has become a platform to outdo each other or a show of financial muscle? This kind of politics is archaic. Personally I never knew that musician, but I think he deserves better in death. Contributions are common in any unfortunate situation, but family members of the departed must be quick to identify those that lean towards political expediency and decline them. In Tonga/Ila we have a saying, that if you can’t see the good in the living, you will never see the good in the dead either.

  7. Shameless funeral vultures. Trying to get political publicity using an innocent dead person. PF you are shameless and a very big embarrassment to this country.
    So what if you spent more after all he helped you in the 2011 campaigns.
    Useless mindless hypocrites.
    Shame on you

  8. And this was SG of PF after Davis. Such idiocy….aba bene balyupa nokupa bati??? I pity the wife of such a galactic numbskull.

    • Ukupa is far fetched, bushe balikwata na bana? that should be the question. I am sure if he has children, they are mocked at school because of the behaviour of their father.

      • That is if the children are his. He spends a lot of time doing silly things for an adult. He has no time ukulongana na bakashi bakwe swine uyu. Party cadres balamufyalila.

  9. Pediatrics, behaviour, imagine, showing off and making comparison on funeral contribution, as to who contributed more?
    This is childish let’s see change in behaviour.People must grow honestly.


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