ZESCO Reduces Loadshedding Hours To 4 This Festive Period


ZESCO Limited has reduced load shedding hours this festive season to four per day effective tomorrow until  January 2, 2021.

This decision is necessitated by the expected decrease in demand for electricity during this period due to a reduction in industrial activities as most companies will be on break.

“…hence, the need to transfer the benefit to residential customers. As a Corporation, we attach great importance to these festive celebrations since it is a time that promotes the social-economic wellbeing of our customers as it brings families and communities together and enhances trade and other commercial activities,” Zesco public relations manager Hazel Zulu has stated.

“We, however, appeal to our customers to continue employing energy efficient initiatives such as switching off all non-essential appliances, using gas for cooking and solar for lighting to help conserve the available power. We advise our customers to report any outages outside their load shedding hours which may be attributed to faults. We take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.”


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