Smart Eagles/Lsk. wed,  Sept 25. 2024

An opinion poll on who is likely to win the 2026 general election, conducted by popular  social media influencer and UPND sympathizer Conelious Chella Tukuta has placed former President Edgar Chagwa Lungu firmly ahead of his counterpart ,Republican President Hakainde Hichilema .

In a post made on his Facebook page and shared by many , Tukuta placed the picture of President Hichilema and that of former President Edgar Lungu, side by side and asked people to choose who they would vote for come 2026 by way of placing a like on the photo of their choice contender. The polls will close at 20.00 but  By Press time,   Edgar Lungu has beaten HH by 10 000 votes to 7000 votes  and is expected to win with a landslide majority vote.

In 2021, President Hichilema beat ECL with an astronomical one million votes in the General Elections  ..but just 3 years down the line, with the cost of living having reached an all time, fuel prices. Loadshedding , mealie meal prices,  opinion polls conducted have placed ECL well ahead of HH .

Pundits are now predicting that ECL might wallop HH with a 2 million majority.


  1. It is a real shame that the contest is between these two plunderers. But yes ECL will get more votes than HH. It is not rocket science. Cost of living is too high right now. People are fed up with his lies and corruption.

    Zambia can do much better than this.

    Vote the lacuna out in 2026.

  2. The prize question is “What will Mr. Lungu do to get out us out of this mess (which he himself created)?”

    Mr. Lungu knows only how to destroy not how to build. Ba Lungu minwe ya bubenshi. Apo baikata, ku fungauka (Mr. Lungu is like termites. Whatever he touches crumbles).

    MMD left the economy in reasonable condition. PF destroyed it. HH is trying hard to repair the damage done by PF. Voting PG back will mean bringing the destroyer back. And this time he will make sure we donot get rid of him. We will deserve every injustice he commits against us.

  3. The desperation being expressed is ridiculous. The current loud unsubstantiated utterrance show the oppositie happening. Why all this fear mongering being expressed.

    Now I am sure something real is cooking in the political back ground to make people to sit on the edge of their seats

    If one is leading and comfortable of winning. Why the enormous effort tp convince everyone. A fact stands on its on. No need to help it stand. Something is definitely wrong here. Everyone indifferent is running about without any definte agenda. Amazing stuff. What ever is happening must have some people scared out of their minds.

    Lets cool it guys. We have a long way to go.

  4. Between now and 2026, he can do as many opinion polls as he can but that won’t change anything. Come August, 2026, HH and his UPND party will carry the day, this time even with a bigger margin, not utu tuma 3,000 difference na mona apa. HH wins with millions of popular votes and not with thousands.

  5. Why is it that Zambians like following idi-ots instead of focussing on designing solutions to issues that people are confronted with? No wonder a prostitute can be followed more that an engineer trying to find some solution to the many effects of climate change….that is if majority Zambians know what this CC phenomenon is in any case. By the way today drive around some residential areas where good citizens are cleaning drainages. I realized that most of the dirty is used product by people…yet some others were still throwing bottles into the same drainages. Was it really wrong to introduce bottled water and beaverages? Can a country develop with majority of it’s citizens with such a mindset? Zambians, we were badly bright up.


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