Charles Kakoma


Contact : UPND Party Spokesperson, Charles Kakoma 0977780397
Email: info@


Lusaka ( 29.04.2020) As the country celebrates the 96th birthday of the founding father of an independent Zambia, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, the United Party for National Development (UPND) is warmed by the show of patriotism our founding fathers demonstrated in holding true to the collective aspirations of a whole nation; resisting the temptation to sell out to he who had the most money and privilege for personal gain, but at what could have been a great cost to the sons and daughters of our motherland.

Dr. Kaunda and his compatriots were arrested and victimised, brutalized and humiliated while getting enticed to trade the struggle for a fleeting comfortable existence with the oppressors.

At the time, we all shared a common enemy in racial segregation, social and economic inequality and segregation that all afflicted our common humanity.

Today, Zambians are united, more than ever, as we face another common enemy in unprecedented hunger and poverty, joblessness, poor access to education for our children, a public healthcare system that allows the ruling elite to seek expensive treatment abroad while our mothers give birth on filthy floors of our abandoned hospitals and clinics; public corruption being perpetrated by elected officials, a broken economy that has robbed our families of a dignified existence…

All these ills are being presided upon by a PF regime that is increasingly showing signs and an appetite for dictatorial power by abusing public resources and institutions to hold on to that power using whatever means possible and available to them, including unconstitutional means.

The UPND is the embodiment of our collective fight and struggle to redeem our motherland and hand power back to the Zambian people.

For one to abandon the UPND now, is to give support and an endorsement of the PF agenda of continued social and economic destruction. While for one to accept a bribe in the form of money, cars or an offer of a job in the public sector at the expense of our shared and collective struggle for a better Zambia, is to betray the conscience of Dr. Kaunda and spit on the blood of those of his comrades who perished so that today we can all live one and free.

The UPND will not and cannot bribe its members to protect the integrity of the Zambian dream.

But the UPND can and will appeal to all Zambians of good conscience, both within and outside the party, to remember that only those who fight the good fight to the end deserve the privilege and honor of sharing in the unwavering patriotism of giants such as Dr. Kaunda and many of his now fallen comrades.

The role of the UPND remains only that of protecting the integrity of our shared, collective dream of liberating our country and it’s people from the failed, corrupt, manipulative, plunderous leadership of the PF.



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