MWENYA Musenge


MWENYA Musenge says it is without doubt that what is happening to National Democratic Congress leader Chishimba Kambwili has inflections of government persecution.

Kambwili was last week sentenced to one-year imprisonment for forgery.

In an interview, Musenge said whatever is happening to Kambwili now is not different with what was happening when the two Copperbelt based PF founder members formed the NDC.

“I want to urge my friend and brother Chishimba Kambwili to be strong as he goes through this trying moment. I know it is not easy at all but I know that he is man enough and strong indeed. It is my prayer that all these things will come to pass,” Musenge said.

He said many of the cases mushrooming now had intonations of government persecution.

“And it is so unfortunate that such things can be happening in a democratic country like Zambia. It is a well-known fact that when you are in opposition, you become an enemy of government and that you are watched day and night, investigated and persecuted in the manner Kambwili is being oppressed,” the former Copperbelt minister said.

Musenge said others have also suffered a similar fate.

He advised President Edgar Lungu to seriously consider creating an enabling political environment where the government and opposition parties co-exist.

“We agreed as a nation to go multipartism and it entails that at any given time there will be so many political parties, there will be one party in government and these other political parties were to be there to offer checks and balances,” Musenge said. “But if the PF in government cannot accept multipartism, let them advocate for the one party so that we know that the system we have cannot work with our colleagues because whatever these other political parties in opposition are doing is within the law. If anything, what we need is try and refine the system.”

He said politics are supposed to be issue based and not focused on character assassination and insults.

“That is what is required and this can only be achieved when all political parties put their heads together, including the party in government,” he said.

Musenge said the violence and incarceration of political opponents being witnessed is not necessary.

He recalled that not long ago UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema was incarcerated and people who condemned the act like him were expelled from the PF.

“Even now I don’t think it is right. If you follow the way the Kambwili matter was handled, I don’t think it could have gone this far. Even when you try to analyse the whole case from inception to its conclusion…I think this is total persecution and we say it’s not right,” Musenge said. “Today it’s Kambwili and tomorrow it will be Edgar Lungu because he will not be in State House forever and all those who are surrounding him and supporting whatever is happening should know that there is night and day. Today it might be night for Kambwili but tomorrow it will be day for him.”

He said it was important that Zambians, politicians and especially those in government, know that what is being done is not right.

Musenge recalled that he worked with PF founder Michael Sata they advocated change upon forming government.

“But when you ask yourselves, you who are in government, how many things have you changed to create a more enabling environment? We spoke about the public order Act, that when we form government, it will be worked on. But you have maintained it and are now using it to persecute others. It is unfortunate that our colleagues do not know whatever they are doing and it’s not helping our country at all,” he said.

Musenge added that all political players should come up with a system that will create a better Zambia and know that whatever they are doing is for the benefit of all citizens.

“My sincere appeal, Ba Kambwili, I know that it’s unfortunate that you are there but my dear brother, Lesa alemona fyonse ifilecitika. Be strong and God will see you through,” said Musenge.


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