There’s no mighty PF, there’s diminishing PF – Nalumango


There’s no mighty PF, there’s diminishing PF – Nalumango

By Fanny Kalonda

DON’T go out to give handouts to people for political gain when they are living in the sewer, don’t do that, Vice-President Mutale Nalumango has warned opposition candidates on the Copperbelt.

She also charged that “there is no mighty Patriotic Front, there is diminishing Patriotic Front.”

Vice-President Nalumango said there is total chaos in Kabushi and Kwacha constituencies as the people have lived “in that confusion for a long time and now are on the way to rescue”.

During the Vice-President’s Question Time on Friday, in response to Lunte PF member of parliament Mutotwe Kafwaya she said people are suffering “yet people are called Bonanza” in reference to former Kwacha PF MP Joseph Malanji.

Kafwaya asked the Vice-President her assessment of the current political efficacy following UPND’s loss in the Luangwa council chairperson by-election that was retained by the PF.

“…political efficacy is about people believing that they can achieve something desirable. It is also about people trusting that government is listening to them. Given your loss in Luangwa and the self or government induced confusion in Kwacha and Kabushi, what is your assessment of the current political efficacy?” asked Kafwaya.

Vice-President Nalumango said there is need to learn to be analytical in making assessments of the results.

“This is to me how you analyse the people of Luangwa moving on. But because they have been there for a long time, that is that. Now you are saying politically induced confusion. I believe that the people of Kabushi and Kwacha have lived in that confusion for a long time and now they are on the way to rescue if you want to talk politics. What you see in the Kabushi, what you see in Kwacha, is total chaos. And yes, I was there. I was there. Let us be politicians, don’t go out to give handouts to people for political gain when they are living in the sewer. Don’t do that,” she said. “I don’t know who is asking the question Madam Speaker, everyone, everybody including the Leader of Opposition [Brian Mundubile] is asking question whilst seated, followed by the whip, what is the problem? The man asked correctly. There is confusion there. People are suffering and yet people are called Bonanza. Come on, and you will win? That is it. We will still look at the efficacy.”

She further clarified that UPND did not lose the Luangwa seat because the PF just retained the seat following its nullification.

“I would like to thank the honourable member for Lunte for that question where he brings in political efficacy. I think it is very clear in Luangwa how people have spoken. That is why Madam, in the last question, I did say we have to learn to be analytical as we make an assessment or as we look at the results. Truly we have to see where were the people of Luangwa last year. What kind of language did they use? Overwhelmingly they spoke for Patriotic Front. This time very little difference,” she said.

Vice-President Nalumango said the PF was no longer the “mighty Patriotic Front party but a diminishing Patriotic Front”.

Responding to Bwacha PF member of parliament Sydney Mushanga who wanted to know when the government would connect more than 30,000 Zambian households to the national grid, she said Zesco is working on increasing the power generation in different types including solar.

“Madam Speaker, …congratulating the mighty Patriotic Front which some political parties thought it was…This question is coming from the people of Bwacha Constituency if not the all country.

When is our utility, Zesco going to connect the more than 30,000 Zambian households to the national grid who in some cases made applications, made payments a year ago, and how much should our people pay for new domestic connections?” asked Mushanga.

In response, Vice-President Nalumango said: “I stand here representing the Executive. It is not a personal thought and this must be understood. So, I get information from government. I get the concern except today I refute one word, there is no mighty Patriotic Front, there is diminishing Patriotic Front.”

She said Zesco is working on increasing the power generation in different types including hydro and solar.

She noted that Zesco had a high backlog but was working on ensuring people are connected.

Meanwhile, Chitambo PF member of parliament Remember Mutale asked whether or not the government had instituted investigations over the cancelled fertilizer tender.

“Madam Vice-President, cancelling a tender for fertiliser at such a time is quite dangerous and is something that should worry all of us.

My question to you is that ZPPA was involved in the preparation of these tender documents. And they are the ones actually who guide. They come at the end to advise cancellation of this tender. My question is, has government done a thorough investigation to find out whether it was deliberate and if so, what has government done to the officers involved in the preparation of such an important tender?” asked Mutale. “My question is that ZPPA people who advised the ministry to cancel were part of the preparations of this tender. Has government investigated whether it was a deliberate move on these people to prepare a tender with such a technicality? If so, what has government done to these people? Are these suspended? Are they fired, are they working, because this might continue Madam Speaker? Or are they promoted or demoted? That’s what I wanted to find out.”

Vice-President Nalumango said if there was anyone through the entire system to be found guilty in the cancellation of the tender, they should not call government names.

“It is dangerous to cancel at this hour. Yes, government is as concerned as you. So we go through the whole process, but the issue of natural justice is very important that we cannot just do things anyhow. We, yes, we are concerned and we will follow it through. If anybody through the entire system is found guilty, don’t call us any name,” said Vice-President Nalumango.


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