ERB have approved the proposal by ZESCO to increase electricity tariffs for retail customers effective today


ERB approves multi-year ZESCO tariffs

The Energy Regulation Board –ERB- has allowed ZESCO to migrate to the 2024 pre-approved multi-year tariffs for domestic consumers effective TODAY, May 01, 2024.

The Board has also clarified that subsequent tariffs for 2025 to 2027 remain conditionally approved subject to its annual review of the Regulatory Clearing Account.

ERB Chairperson REYNOLDS BOWA says the directives come after the board granted approval to ZESCO to implement the 2024 pre-approved tariffs.

Mr. BOWA says the ERB in April 2023 approved ZESCO’s multi-year tariffs for a FIVE year period, adding that the subsequent tariffs from 2024 to 2027 were conditionally approved subject to the board’s annual review.

In a statement issued to ZNBC news, he said ERB’s analysis revealed that ZESCO’s actual revenue in 2023 of over 28-billion Kwacha exceeded the board’s approved projection of over 21-billion Kwacha by at least 6.7-billion Kwacha.

Mr. BOWA said a huge portion of the excess revenue was however used to cover the rising power purchase costs which were negatively affected by the depreciation of the Kwacha against the US dollar.

He said the remaining excess revenue was applied on the 2024 projected revenue requirement to assist the power Utility Company to reduce the imminent loss arising from the load management program.


  1. Mr HH kindly swallow your pride tou have failed la entably,
    You are a good farmer but not a leader at National level, it’s way beyond you, kindly humble yourself and concentrate on what you can do better and that is farming you will earn more respect and recognition.
    You pro-rich policies have suffocated everything to alleviate the hardlife that we the citizens have been subjected to.
    With allm the respect for you sir kindly resign and leave the scene and rest in peace.

  2. I thought governments were their to sacrifice on behalf of citizens, now it’s like saying there is a war and people must understand that we can’t protect them so they should bear with us because the enemy is stronger than us and we can not risk our soldiers so chill and ride on

  3. Fuel up, electricity up which altogether will result in huge increments of basic food prices, sugar, salt, mealie meal, cooking oil, transport, rentals etc etc. On top of that even dollar has surpassed K27. Where are we going ? Is the government there foe the people or just to get free salaries.

  4. Tanzania has surplus power generation!
    Why not import to cushion the current situation?
    We know that the increase in tarriffs is meant to stimulate investment in generation but those are long-term issues.
    You need to balance your strategies and avoid squeezing the citizens like this.
    Ba New Dawn, you are on your own!
    Trying to help you think sometimes is like trying to help ingombe ilede!
    This is killing the economy now!
    You need to slow down!

    • Is Tanzania going to export power for free? Zambua is importing from Mozambique and so the price of electricity will go up.

  5. I used to say this to Edgar, unfortunately it applies to HH also as at now.
    These are the words that were written on the wall: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARSIN. “This is what these words mean: Mene : God has counted the days until your kingdom will end. Tekel : You have been weighed on the scales and found not good enough.
    He does not feel our pain, so to him it is okey


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