´HH’s booing is a clear sign of failure´-Mundubile


´HH´s booing is a clear sign of failure´-Mundubile

…the worst is yet to come as hunger mounts

13.05.24 Smart Eagles

The decision by Zambians to boo President Hakainde Hichilema at Heroes Stadium during a soccer march on Sunday is an ´open and public protest´ from the people saying he has failed as a leader according to hon. Brian Mundubile.

Hon. Mundubile, the leader of opposition in the Zambian parliament also cautioned President Hichilema that ´the worst rejection is yet to come´ emanating from the public rebuke and open contempt at Heroes Stadium.

“The booing signifies a greater rejection of President Hichilema by the people of Zambia,” hon. Mundubile said, “they are saying we are tired of fake and broken promises as we sleep on empty stomachs, the mining sector has failed while agriculture has been impelled back into the stone-age from the gains made under PF and President Lungu…I would be very worried at the booing if I was Mr Hichilema or a member of his team.”

The influential legislator added that the booing and rejection of Mr. Hichilema has come ´too early, even for a man with several spectacular broken promises´ like him.

“It took about 27 years for the late Dr. Kenneth Kaunda to be booed and pelted,” hon. Mundubile said, “it has taken just under three years for President Hichilema to be booed, it’s a national record in the history of Zambia and the winner is Mr Hichilema.”

Hon. Mundubile said in a democracy people often waited for elections to ´boo´ or ´vote out´ a failed leader, “but in the case of President Hichilema it appears Zambians can’t wait for 2026 to publicly reject him they want him out yesterday as the booing showed.´

The legislator also said he suspected the filled up to capacity stadium largely contained a rented crowd that was supposed to ´cheer´ support for Mr Hichilema but the PR stunt ´back-fired´ because ordinary hungry ´none-sponsored´ Zambians out-did the rented crowd hence the mixture of boos and cheers that ensued inside Heroes stadium.

“What needs to be fixed is the high cost of living affecting Zambians, the reversed fortunes of the mining sector and the death of the agro sector made worse by Mr Hichilema selling off all our maize stocks that has now left Zambians in abject poverty as start importing the same corn we exported. It makes no sense.”

Hon. Mundubile said, “if elections were held today President Hichilema would be beaten hands down, he would be trounced, and I challenge him to deny this as the booing continues. He must brace for the worst.”


  1. Citizen you having been blogging for so many years and you know for sure that , when people are hungry, they angry , they do not fear death. A free piece of advice, when masses are living in absolute poverty, fear of nothing death does not bother them. To be booed is a warning the people that citizens have treasured their power to.
    Don’t be like PF , when the Catholic warned them especially Archbishop Meritus Mpundu about cadres becoming violent, criminal, cruel. Speaking against the way your small god was treated like he was not Zambian. Archbishop Mpundu was insulted and called names. However, he was deemed your friend and confident. Today he is your sore enemy just for speaking up . Some of us we spoke and campaigned for HH in place you who have become too powerful like Mark Simuwe, Raphael Musamba, Gilbert Phiri, never even visited . 2026 please tears will roll down your cheeks like Mississippi River the father of all waters


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