HH booing is bad karma…for the way he mistreated Edgar Lungu—NAKACHINDA


HH booing is bad karma
…for the way he mistreated Edgar Lungu—NAKACHINDA

14.05.25—Smart Eagles

The embarrassing public humiliation President Hakainde Hichilema experienced in front of more than 50, 000 soccer fans at Heroes Stadium on Sunday is karma for his past actions at the same venue against predecessor sixth President Edgar Lungu almost three years ago says Rafael Nakachinda the PF Secretary General.

Mr Nakachinda said President Hichilema gleefully allowed UPND supporters to boo president Lungu on 24th August without protection and now karma has returned to bite him.

´Karma´ is a Hindu and Buddhist belief which holds that a bad action you exert or encourage against your neighbour or friend comes to haunt you in this life or the next.

“Mr. Hichilema did not use his powers of incumbency to protect when Edgar Lungu almost three years it took seven years for President Lungu to bravely embrace that humiliation but has only taken 2 and half years for Mr Hichilema to face this humiliation in front of a crown rented for him it´s a shame,” said hon. Nakachinda.

The PF secretary general said the situation is expected to get worse if the food crisis, extended loadshedding and now ´water shedding´ are not corrected.

“Zambians are now speaking the language of a hungry man who is an angry man they are tired of Mr Hichilema´s lies hence the booing chindi chamana baba and this is just a start don’t get surprised if he is pelted next,” hon. Nakachina warned.

He implored President Hichilema´s “close circle” to advise him to stay home more and lessen making public experiences after the humiliation at Heroes Stadium and Kuomboka where the Lozi Royal Establishment warned him to simply stay away but he still gate crashed the ceremony.

About six million Zambians currently are faced with starvation after Mr Hichilema´s government sold all reserve maize stocks to Congo and east Africa.


  1. Nakachinda is really empty headed….it is good you are promoting karma. Hope the same things Lungu and PF are going through are karma for the misrule… Booing is good especially when it comes in the process of you governing , it is feedback. Not when you are chased from power like Lungu it signifies useless wasted years….

  2. Why are praise-singers so emotional and foul-mouthed mwebantu? It is like they cannot stomach seeing their little god being humiliated. Ndipo BP imipayeni before 2026.


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