PHOTOS: Edgar Lungu being welcomed by UKA Alliance Presidents and members at the new heritage party secretariat


Sixth Republican President, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu being welcomed by United Kwacha Alliance Presidents and members at the new heritage party secretariat in Lusaka. Pictures by  Andy luki jr. | 18 May 2024, Woodlands, Lusaka



  1. Ba Dickson Jere, please start preparing to lead Zambia come 2026!
    We cannot be recycling jackals and Hyenas when we have more capable candidates!
    Ba Dickson Jere, you worked very well with late RB, you are an accomplished Legal mind and a Media guru.
    Please don’t let us down, this country needs your help!
    It’s time to retire ECL and HH to the dustbin of history!
    We are not going anywhere with these two unpatriotic fellows!

  2. Ba Heritage President …why are you dying your hair.. please we expect our leaders to look sober not like…..

  3. Mr. Lungu is the defacto leader of UKWA. Those in this grouping who think they are equal partners, are deluding themselves.

    Hence everyone else welcoming Mr. Lungu.


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