By Sean Tembo – PeP President

1. The incident in which Zambia Police officers stormed a private meeting between the 6th Republican President, His Excellency Dr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu and His Grace, Bishop Clement Mulenga, which was being held in Bishop Mulenga’s office in Kabwe, last Friday, marks a new low in the democratic standing of Hakainde Hichilema’s Government, and must be condemned by all right thinking citizens.

2. While an attempt was made by the Acting Minister of Information and Media, Jack Mwiimbu to render an apology to the Catholic Church during his press briefing of yesterday afternoon, the said attempted apology should not be accepted by the Catholic Church because it is partial and half-hearted. There were two parties having the said private meeting, that is the Bishop and the 6th Republican President, so under what moral standard did Jack Mwiimbu find it necessary to apologize only to the Bishop and the Church, but not to the 6th Republican President?

3. During his protracted press briefing, Jack Mwiimbu kept on ranting about how the 6th Republican President is subject to the Public Order Act. I think Mr. Mwiimbu needs some basic education in the law. The legislation in question is titled the PUBLIC Order Act for a reason. Because it is meant to regulate PUBLIC gatherings. There was nothing PUBLIC about the private closed door meeting that the 6th Republican President was having with the Bishop in the Bishop’s office. If the law was meant to regulate private meetings, as Jack Mwiimbu seems to argue, then it would have been titled the PRIVATE Order Act. But it is not. And that is why it is titled the PUBLIC Order Act.

4. Secondly, the Zambia Police, in their lame statement issued on Friday afternoon, claim that they had information that President Edgar Lungu intended to address two public gatherings in Kabwe that day, and that is the reason they stormed his private meeting at the Bishop’s office. It appears that the reasoning of the entire Zambia Police is beneath that of a two year old. If indeed the claims by the Police are true, then why did they not wait for the 6th President to actually hold the alleged public gatherings before challenging him? Why disrupt his private meeting in the Bishop’s office, based on speculation that he later intends to hold a public gathering?

5. Lastly, Jack Mwiimbu and his fellow sycophants in Government should be informed, in no uncertain terms, that Zambia is not their father’s country. Zambia belongs to all Zambians, including President Edgar Lungu. The 6th Republican President has a right to go wherever he pleases in this country, whenever he pleases, without any let or hindrance. That right is not and cannot be granted by Government. The freedom of movement that President Edgar Lungu must enjoy was bestowed on him at birth, by the Constitution of this Republic. The only way that President Lungu can be denied his Constitutional right to freely roam around the breadth and length of this country is if Jack Mwiimbu has suspended the Constitution. So the question that we perhaps need to pose to Jack Mwiimbu at this juncture is; have you suspended the Constitution of Zambia?


SET 19.05.2024


  1. If ECL had a conscience he should not be trying to politicise his movements without the right procedure. He must remember. How he treated HH when he was in power. Also he must stop using the clergy.

  2. These are political blunders and miscalculations that will soon bite UPND political dunderheads!
    Ba UPND, Sata was right to call you Under Fives! You don’t understand the political anger of Zambians!
    Instead of concentrating on solving the crippling loadshedding and ever escalating cost of living, you are busy wasting time and resources on political opponents?
    You have turned out to be worse than PF!
    Just admit you feel power slipping through your fingers.
    It will not end well once you are out of power!
    Your reasons for sending police after ECL don’t make sense!
    Why are you trying to protect him when you withdrew his state Security following his political comeback?
    Is he not a free ordinary citizen, free to go wherever he wants?
    Zambians have cursed UPND the same way Jesus cursed the Fig tree!
    It had so much promise but amounted to misery!
    Prepare for suffering after public office!
    You won’t go unpunished for all the lies you told Zambians!

  3. Mr Chikubabe I see emotions in your discourse. I would ask you to tone down and debate issues with a clear , sober and objective mind. First and foremost who doesn’t know Lungu and what he’s capable of left alone? Lungu’s cadres are still very much intact and capable of doing what they know better under the guidance of Lungu if not checked. UPND would be very naive to think Lungu has changed or rebranded. Lungu and his thieving PF can’t change neither can they repent or rebrand. I would urge government to continue closely monitoring Lungu and his goons as they’ll regret having given them too much latitude to do what they want. Government is dealing with the person they know very well. Finally, no genuine Zambian has cursed the UPND Government as there no serious crimes this government has committed like the PF kakistocracy did which will warrant them to be cursed. Of course they have to be careful and watchful. Thy should not relax. All things said and done, they’re still on course to a landslide electoral victory come 2026. Mark my words.

    • This is why various labels are sticking on to you people. What sort of adult reasoning is this? Ignore the red lights at your peril or is it a question of the King’s new clothes?
      Chikubabe is of course spot on, cool and collected!!

  4. We are expect to listen to a man that said to us “a chief who was abusing his position should not have the law visit him”. Now this same man is suggesting that Lungu is in the right?

    Ba Tembo, critical thinking is very important. Have the facts apply them to the context then open your mouth. From the misguided notion that you can fly the national flag (when the law says who can do that) to this, it shows one goes on in ones mind. And its important to understand issues, the law and context.
    The Kabwe Policeman may have not articulated his point very well. But his intent was in the right place. Mr. Lungu and his security detail failed to inform the Police to ensure adequate security was available for “ANY POSSIBLE EVENTUALITY” and that was what the officer was trying to put across. The Bishop should have helped the situation and not add fire. Yes, we get their point of view and listening to government’s apology its important to understand that there is an aspect of security for “certain individuals” and Lungu is one of them. Lungu should remember from the time he was appointed President. He will always live in a bubble when it comes to security. He is not Harry Kalaba. He needs to respect those just trying to do their job. Protect him. The Churches that recieve these persons should also appreciated the point of view of certain people. While we understand what the Bishop or Lungu were saying. Understand what the officer was “TRYING” to say. He may not have point the point across correctly. But understand the point he was trying to put across. It was about the security of Lungu. The Press conference put into context what may have been miscontrued by the Bishop and Lungu. But this is because of the Security detail of Edgar Lungu. Had they bothered to let the Police of all these stops they were going to make. Adequate arrangements would have been made. But it seems Lungu lacks appreciation of these issues and is so head strong to drive his agenda that they dont think about some of the issues they speak of instead use it to cast aspiration on people just doing their job. I feel for the officer. Just as tried to kill the career of the person at ZNBC a few weeks ago. We need to stop being so selfish and narrow in our perception. Every story has two sides


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