PROFESSOR Clive Chirwa wants to know the whereabouts of the $120 million Eurobond that was pumped into Zambia Railways (ZRL) when he was at the helm of the institution.

The UK-based engineer says he doesn’t identify himself as a former ZRL Chief Executive Officer because he was fired just three months

(Read more @ Diggers.News)


  1. Professor Chirwa, it’s good that you have come out in open to ask about the whereabouts of the $120 m meant for revamping of ZRs. Before this, I am one of those who thought you also had a bite on the same money. Thank you for clearing the suspicion. Otherwise these are the questions whose answers Zambians are interested to hear.

  2. When Zambians demand for their money, those who stole should not claim witch hunt and tribalism.
    The former government comprised people from a particular region, period. Hence, the majority of those to be prosecuted will come from that region.
    Such huge sums of money, ba ka walala!
    So this is what you meant when you said “Ubomba mwi bala”?

  3. ZR money is missing, funds for the dual carriage way are missing, there comes out change from KCM.
    Meanwhile, someone’s family is building mansions everywhere and his girlfriend was found with trucks of dollars. The wife takes serious cash to the niece for safe keeping. Mansions in Swaziland.
    Then you want to come and say I can justify my “Ubomba mwibala”??
    Aikona man!

  4. I am beginning to believe HH now sees why Mwanawasa was tough on Chiluba ( MHSRIEP) and vocal political dissidents. Zambia consists of 50% lazy hangers-around whose only profession is to talk and steal. Regardless of his promise to the Western neo-colonialists, he should have been tough from inception. Home Affairs minister should have been a former senior police office or a current one to clamp down on these noise makers and disruptors not a jacket-wearing white collar lawyer friend who fears him. This is the result now…confusion everywhere, fake abductions, tribal talk etc all orchestrated by the same man he was supposed to allow his minister to push immunity removal on and arrest and interrogate. Now ECL has seen the mistake and with his stolen money he is fanning confusion. Please change your Home Affairs minister now and allow police IG to work instead of interfering to please the West…they will not help you…they will dump you like they did to Ian Khama, Kaunda, Kamuzu Banda and others. DO THE RIGHT THING. IT’S NOT TOO LATE. Remember most Zambians are not educated…even some educated ones exhibit very low IQ: they will vote you out despite your gains. They live by the stomach not common sense. If you go to bus stations and shanty compounds you will see they believe the lies from characters like ECL, compromised lawyers, fake PhD academics, PF psycophants and all. Their frustration is on stomach related issues and fuel…which these misleading characters are peddling with vigour. They don’t own any businesses…they just flatter moneyed thieves for handouts and yell propaganda as per their benefactors’ instructions. Arrest the benefactor and noise stops… don’t worry what EU or US says, just work.

    That is my humble advice…they say ” do not allow dogs to ship anyhow or you will be sprayed with the same faeces”

  5. In Zambia the degree of indiscipline is getting out hand, imagine an MP who is not even a Provincial Minister telling the democratically elected President not step a foot in Eastern Province. Where did he get them and who gave him such powers? Kutumpa uko. Can he do such a thing to Museveni, Kagame or even our neighbor M’nangagwa? Those guys don’t tolerate nonsense, you can disappear the very day you say such rubbish and that will be the end of you.
    MZ is an MP who sits in the National Assembly of Zambia and not Lumezi parliament. His powers, if he’s any, begin and end there, he has no right to restrict the current President from visiting Eastern Province when the people Zambia gave him the mandate to do so, that’s indiscipline of the highest order. Baya sana abaice aba, always complaining about democracy when they are busy abusing it. So no sympathy for him.

  6. Everybody knows the eurobond was just a scheme by that nincompoop sata together with his uncle whom he made finance minister and others to steal under the guise of projects. Maybe just a small portion was taken to the intended targets the rest was all siphoned off. Ask kasebanya she knows.


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