For me, this is a difficult one. Knowing that you, my good friend and brother are currently presiding over the affairs of our great nation, Zambia, during one of the most challenging seasons that we’ve ever been through.

Unknown to some and simply ignored by others, you inherited a Zambia that is owing foreign creditors more money than we ever borrowed over the 27 years of UNIP rule, over the 20 years of the MMD government and even over the first three years of President Michael Sata COMBINED. You, my friend, are the one on whose shoulders that debt now sits. Your birthday comes at a time when those who are excellent at creating political propaganda have gone into overdrive to paint a picture that it is you who has created all these problems and that the debt and other historical factors must not be brought into the discussion. They argue that all the problems we currently face are because of your leadership and that you need to call for early elections.

Your birthday comes at a time when the economy is weak. Although the efforts you and your finance team have made to restructure the huge mountain of debt that you inherited are beginning to bear fruit, the murmuring by the masses are not going down because when it comes to Zambian Politics, issues of mealie meal, the price of fuel and the ability of households to make ends meet are non negotiable.

The expectations of the simple person out on the street and the knowledge that Boardroom members at the Ministry of Finance have are not in tandem and it is producing a politically charged situation. The progress is there, but just not fast enough to reach the people on the ground and their lofty expectations.

As if this is not enough, the political landscape has worsened and deteriorated to such an extent that some in the opposition have now come together to form a confederacy that will spare nothing to try and bring you down. They will use propaganda, Tribalism, the blame game and crafty strategies to convince Zambians that you are the reason for their current season of problems and that they must remove you in 2026.

It is against this background, on this, your birthday, that I wish to remind you about the man that Zambians put into office in 2021.

A man who spent his formative years doing only two things: In the classroom getting himself an education, and in the field being productive, learning how to take care of the cattle. We all know that at that time, you may not have known it. You may not have had any clue. But God knew that he needed to prepare a leader for this country for such a time as this. A leader who would have a Never-Say-Die attitude and unfailing patience of a kachema, and also the sheer genius of an ardent economist that could have only been produced by master planner. God prepares leaders for different seasons, and this season definitely needed your tool kit.

God knew that after the Patrotic Front had implemented their ambitious infrastructure drive trying to put up infrastructure across every district in the nation, Zambia was going to be so saddled with debt that if not handled properly, it could quickly slide Into an economy of Junk Status.

Only God would have ensured that he prepared a leader who despite coming from a very humble background would go on to conquer the boardroom, a humble Shepherd boy, who would over the years sharpen his negotiation skills even among the most astute business leaders on the continent and beyond. It is only God that ensured that you kept failing in previous elections in order to build up your stamina to a level where, when your time to rule came, no amount of setbacks would make you flinch or give up when things appeared bleak and hopeless to the normal eye.

Yes, you were perharps among the most vilified opposition leaders that this country has ever seen. You have been at the receiving end of the most terrible political propaganda. Because of your rising prospects then, your tribe also suffered the most terrible onslaught and tribal hate speech ever seen in this country.

But in all these things, you took in everything that was thrown at you and turned it into a lesson and a strength. Jail did not break you, it helped you see that the prison system needs restructuring. Tribalism did not break you, rather, it turned you into a father, a friend and brother to Zambians of all tribes. Speaking more Zambian languages than most of your opponents. Even when your enemies put up their most desparate of attempts to incite Zambians against you by calling you a “Satanist” You somehow managed to use that same slander and allegation to introduce and endear Zambians to your church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which despite being one of the biggest churches in this land had been tacked away for years, choosing not to be seen or heard in the public debates and discussions. Today, every politician can proudly post #HappySabbath on their facebook pages simply because one humble, persevering and truly stubborn kachema boy from Bweengwa decided to answer the call of leadership placed upon him. This is the thing that destinies of nations are made of.

I would like to end by saying Yes, we have problems. Yes, politics is not an easy game, but you have to be the President for all Zambians regardless, including those that will insult you and even those that will insult in your name. You have to be the President for both those that will encourage you and those that will seek to wear you down. You have to deal with the debt problem and the tribal problem. You will have to decide whether you use all the power available to you or you only use it when it betters the nation.

My prayer and appeal is that you choose to be the HH we have all to come to know and respect. Be the HH that is kind, slow to anger, methodical, and very focused on restoring the economy. (VERY IMPORTANT) Allow the institutions of Governance to do their work proffessionally and without party interferance. Do not fall into the trap that those who wish you to fail are busy laying for you by provoking you to anger. Zambians already know who caused this mess. That’s why they hired you to #FIX IT. Engange with the nation regularly and clearly explain what is happening. Assure your people that the delays are all part of finding the best solution. Understand that some of your critics are experts at derailing you from what is truly important. Keep working and leave nobody behind. After all, We are all One Zambia, strong and free. Remember that In the Hakainde Hichilema school of politics, caderism has never been taught and it should not become a subject now. Tame those carders who think they are doing you a favor.

Pick up the ear of dignity that those small boys who were insulting your predecessor at the DEC offices sliced off with their sharp tongues and swords of insults and place it back on ECLs head, where it belongs, as Jesus did. Although You and I both have never agreed with President Lungu’s approach to governance, we shall not watch kids strip him of the decorum that belongs to the office he held . That is his exclussive right and only he can strip himself of that honour.

Remember that You did not make yourself President, but God did. That same God will guide you and no matter how long it takes and how painful it may be, the same God who took you there and helped you in the past shall guide you and help you to succeed.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY My friend, and President.



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