Emulate me and keep quiet if you have nothing to say, Lungu advises Hichilema


Emulate me and keep quiet if you have nothing to say, Lungu advises Hichilema

IN a continuing back and forth verbal exchange, Edgar Lungu has invited his successor President Hakainde Hichilema to emulate him by keeping silent if he has nothing to say.

In s statement on his Facebook page this morning, Lungu described President Hichilema’s address to the the nation yesterday as meaningless.

“As president, I kept quiet whenever I had nothing significant to say. As leaders, let us stop
wasting people’s time with meaningless, hour-long addresses,” Lungu stated.

“Let us learn to keep quiet and stay away from the press if all we can muster is our pathological pursuit of personal interests, political bitterness and hatred at the expense of the interests of the majority poor and unemployed Zambians that can barely eat a meal a day,” Lungu wrote further.

He said if leaders had failed to govern, it was better to step down and resign, so that other competent Zambians can take over which was normal political practices worldwide.

“And if people complain about tribalism, the solution is not to enact laws that would result in stiffer punishment for those complaining but to correct the situation. In civilized societies, governments don’t punish the victims or complainants of visible bad policies, democratic governments listen to their voters and change the bad attitude and policies to address citizens’ complaints,” he said.

Lungu said there was no need to threaten Zambians with mass arrests when they complain against tribalism and regionalism.

“Let government demonstrate policy shift against tribalism and most people will stop complaining. In a true democracy, people must have the freedom to express themselves freely without fearing an arrest and punishment, that only happens in a dictatorship. The last time I checked as former President, Zambia was a democracy, NOT a dictatorship. No threats will silence Zambians,” wrote Lungu.

Kalemba June 6, 2024


  1. Any President who opts to emulate ECL in any way will go the sane way ECL went.

    I personally do not think there are any characteristics to be admired from ECL.

    • I agree 100%, emulating corruption, thuggery, lawlessness, tribalism, nepotism, vision less, etc; this we can easily depart with you our lovely president hh. Please not even an inch of ecl should be emulated. Look we’ve these engagements btn citizens and the government, this we are very excited and must continue. Pressure by president yesterday, pressure by SC today, this is rich and worth emulating by future leaders.

  2. Vagabond behavior!
    Maybe we should all start ignoring this man.
    High chance he is insane.
    I mean, in which area can Lungu compare himself with HH?
    They are miles apart.
    Let me not say much. He can make one to throw/vomit.

    • Kompo kompo.

      Only difference is that one steals and invests in Zambia, while the other one steals and invests in Panama. One is Christian, the other is LGBT black belt. One is a drunkard, the other is a liar. One had cost of living under control, the other has more than doubled it. One has left a legacy of roads and massive infrastructure, the other has legacy of commissioning toilets.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

      • Indigo Tyrol, mention names of who you are saying and I will be able to tell you the truth. E.G. who’s funds go Panama and who’s an LGBT?

        • Mumbeti, if the shoe fits….

          I do not have to mention any names. I am sure you know who carries the traits I have mentioned.

          Remember that he is a very bitter and vengeful person, so I will not mention his name, but he knows himself because the shoe fits perfectly.

          Just vote wisely in 2026.

  3. One common feature in mental illness is lack of insight in one’s own mental derangement!
    Arguing with a mad man is dangerous! Onlookers won’t know the difference.
    Truth be told:
    If Zambians are stuck between ECL and HH for 2026, then Zambia is headed for disaster!
    These Two fellows are not the KK type that can develop Zambia and holding it’s multi-ethnic fabric together!
    Both of them have militias ready for total war! If Zambians make the mistake of electing either of these two, there will be fire on the mountain!
    We need a third force!
    A tie-breaker!
    Ladies, can we have a lady president for a change, maybe this country can make progress!
    The high Testosterone levels in politics are taking us closer to tribal wars, God forbid!

    • Very well spoken. And I agree with you.

      Both this men are incompetent. They are equally as bad as each other. Surely we can do much better as country than these two chancers. The tribalism under Hakainde had surprised me though. I used to tell people to give him a chance, thinking he would not be a tribalist. Little did I know that a Leopard can never change its spots.

      Vote wisely in 2026.

    • Very well said. Kaunda led us to one nation now the pretenders to the throne want to lead us to Biafra if not ituri forest

  4. There is absolutely nothing to emulate about ba Lungu….his bitterness will kill him. Zambians can never go back to his mediocrity.

  5. Atase! Kwati palibe fyaku emulater. Lungu and HH are Zambia’s two worst presidents. They both have no initiative no understanding of governance, actually tinpot dictators who can’t stand opposition. Why bar political parties from holding rallies? It’s like banning farmers from sewing seeds. And telling machanics don’t use spanners. Politics is about rallies! If democracy fails you just leave it to the Michael Satas of this world. Zambia opted for democracy not for little tyrants

  6. Adada, I would emulate a dog than you! You have no morals. You don’t own Zambia you are a citizen like all of us. You were an idiot president and a repeat of you would be madness. Even chickens will protest to get another of your idiotic presidency!

  7. Jameson:
    ECL 10: HH 0
    ECL 0: HH 6
    Side chics
    ECL 11/10 : HH 0
    Kaponya mentality
    ECL 10/10: HH 9/10
    ECL -20/10 : HH 12/10
    ECL 15/10 (widow swindling included): HH 0/10 (house still standing)
    Investor confidence
    ECL -5/10: HH 7/10
    Cabinet composition quality
    ECL 3/10 (Lusambo, Kampyongo, mabumba): HH 6/10 (Masebo, chushi kasanda etc).

  8. Jameson:
    ECL 10: HH 0
    ECL 0: HH 6
    Side chics
    ECL 11/10 : HH 0
    Kaponya mentality
    ECL 10/10: HH -9/10
    ECL -20/10 : HH 12/10
    ECL 15/10 (widow swindling included): HH 0/10 (house still standing)
    Investor confidence
    ECL -5/10: HH 7/10
    Cabinet composition quality
    ECL 3/10 (Lusambo, Kampyongo, mabumba): HH 6/10 (Masebo, chushi kasanda etc).

    • Very biased lecturer. Please immediately remove from institution and offer him Hamasaka’s job because at least he can use mathematics


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