PRESIDENT HICHILEMA’S 3 YEARS IN POWER, WHAT NEXT ECONOMICALLY? “Is President Hichilema and his government capable?- Silavwe Jackson


PRESIDENT HICHILEMA’S 3 YEARS IN POWER, WHAT NEXT ECONOMICALLY? “Is President Hichilema and his government capable?


After clocking 2 years in power, President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND must focus on 3 economic priority areas for the next 2 years;

1. Increase government revenue: The low hanging minerals/resources are gold, sugilite, lithium and agriculture.

For the next 2 years, Government must raise and pump a minimum between US $500m to $1.5 billion per year.

$3 billion in 2 years of ‘new money’ into the local economy will certainly translate into poverty reduction for a common Zambian.

2. High Quality Startups: Invest $1 to $2 billion directly in $10,000 to 20,000 Zambian startups to create 50,000 to 100,000 direct jobs in the private sector for the next 3 years.

By year 2027 and beyond, the $2 billion local investment will grow to approximately $4.5 to $5 billion added to the Zambian economy.

3. Increase ease of doing business for the current 50,000 local small and medium businesses across all the sectors of the economy.

The measure will increase the Country’s GDP and raise people’s income to afford the high cost of living. This measure will translate into an additional 50,000 informal jobs approximately.

To put it simply, President HH and his government must raise more government revenue from local resources and expand the local economy to create approximately 150,000 plus jobs in the private sector between 2024 and 2027.

This economic proposal is economically transformative and disrupts the current stagnant, traditional economic order. The question is “Is president Hichilema and his government capable?”

Silavwe Jackson


  1. Bo Nyambe, no one wants our beloved country to suffer because when poverty reach a pandemic levels , the rich, famous and powerful do not enjoy their wealth, luxury lifestyles as there is no guarantee for their security or survival as those living in poverty will come after them as they see and believe they have stolen their God given treasure from their country.
    If this administration does well, each person will feel the impact of the power of labour of love regardless of where they live, come from or their status in society.
    Checks and balance are prudent

  2. Mr Silavwe,UPND is capable of delivering and improve economic growth.This is evident enough look at activities in mining sector on the copperbelt,the dual carriage way, agriculture program is very promising.He is recovering looted resources and will be channeled to needy sectors.You know deep down your inner self that some of our people were very selfish they just thought of their bellys.HH is the chief marketer,our president is busy asking investors from allover to come and do business in our country, the environment is very fertile for investments.Dont doubt,just wait after 2030 the country will be heaven on earth.The farming blocks have been increased and they are being developed with proper roads,dams,and electricity shall be connected.Les is just pray hard we receive normal rains the so called hunger situation will be of the past.People will be employed and the tax base will grow.Your contribution is what Zambians are missing from the opposition.Your suggestions are welcome not what Nakachinda and Mwamba do they bring us backwards with their tribal talks.A person who is educated has mingled a lot with different people of all tribes and races and can not just want to associate with his own tribesmen.Let us do politics responsibly.Have a wonderful weekend Mr Silavwe.


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