I have solutions to electricity crisis…Not trusting your own is  a problem – Professor Clive Chirwa


Professor Clive Chirwa writes…

Hi Fellows. This is not a surprise to me. When I raised these issues, you wanted to issue me with a red card.
Now, politicians are calling us out to perform.

1) I have been talking about the useless Kariba dam rehabilitation. Wasting money that Zambia hasn’t got is nearing $1 billion, according to the EU office in Brussels. I am still waiting for a response.

2) Not trusting your own is also a problem. I have solutions, and we can do it. But you have to be serious. Over the past 25 years, I have given close to 100 solutions to many engineering problems that would have moved Zambia to another level. None has been implemented. But when foreigners present an idea like that, everybody jumps and implements the suggested by foreigners. This sickness in our heads must be eradicated.

The system the Chinese are talking about is the closed loop power generation. Where you utilise an external power source to prop up the head to be used in the power generation. What you have to make sure is that the energy differential is positive minimum 1.5 times for the system to be efficient.

3) This year, while in Zambia, I wanted to see the minister of energy. I wanted to see the managing Director ZESCO. None wanted to see me. I even went to see the lady permanent secretary who in the end sent her secretary to tell me that she was very busy. I even had a meeting with ERB DG, who even gave me the names of the key people at the ministry. But I had no luck. What I wanted was to give them one of my solutions for Kariba costing $ 65 million by using the same closed loop system that the Chinese were telling the President about by Introducing a mechanically generated head over the penstokes entry locations.

4) The solar farms are the simplest to implement. I approached REA many times in 2015 while I was on sabbatical at CBU. We had numerous meetings but all in vein.

5) Let us be serious. Zambia is not supposed to be experiencing loadshedding. The usage space is just too small vis-a-vis production. We must seriously sit down and look at the entire power generation components through transmission to end users. This is very simple for a Zambian transmission system that uni-directional.

Let us do it. I can help. Let us have a team to solve this. No bla bla bla…but action people are needed. I can chair the team. We cannot be embarrassed like this in public.
Best regards
Prof Clive Chirwa
12 July 2024.


  1. Chirwa is talking Sense. BUT he should have talked MORE on SOLAR Power which SPAIN have managed to power THEIR country and they have EXCESS ELECTRICITY to cover the whole country.

    Zambia need you Chirwa than ever before.

  2. Very difficult to understand this man last we were told under ground train and was given the position of CEO in Zambia railways the man failed to revamp Zambia railways he ended up spending in the hotels as SATA had to drop him from the position and the passport was grabbed from this man.He was in upnd party immediately HH pulled out from PF -UPND pact also this man resigned from upnd,in short this man is unpredictable, otherwise his ideas makes sense the only problem with this man is unpredictable and he doesn’t caring about this country,I remember the money he used to get from government it was to much SATA had drop him, those who don’t this man you are advised to go in archives.

  3. Mr. Chirwa in life we are given one opportunity to prove ourselves. You spoke very eloquently prior to being appointed to led Zambia Railways and its revival. What happned? Your friend former Zesco Board chair has tried to vilify himself. So that we have a glimpse into what happened while you were at Zambia Railways. How the alledged Euro Bond was spent.
    Pls wont entertain you as in their eyes you are tained. You seem hell bent to immerse yourself in this regime. For whose benefit? Zambia didnt seem to benefit once the Eurobond money was disbursed. Manje mufuna mu dyemo nakabili?
    Lastly, I am curious as what is your interest? You must be a British resident. Takwaba fya kuchita uko kuba sungu, bombeni uko.

  4. Chirwa is not serious. He failed to run a small company like Zambia railways which he almost brought to a halt even with the injection of the euro bond but here now he claims he has solutions to power problem.

  5. Very difficult to understand this man last time we were told the issue the train which was suppose to be under ground and was given the position of CEO in Zambia railways the man failed to revamp Zambia railways he ended up spending money in hotels as result SATA had to drop him from the position and passport was grabbed from this man.He was in upnd party immediately HH pulled out from PF -UPND pact also this man resigned from upnd,in short this man is unpredictable, otherwise his ideas makes sense the only problem with this man is unpredictable and he doesn’t caring about this country,I remember the money he used to get from government it was to much SATA had drop him, those who don’t this man you are advised to go in archives.

  6. Chirwa is right and what he is saying is achievable. The problem is that politicians want to be the ones leading engineering projects, to which they have little or no knowledge about. Don’t fear him we have our own engineers who could help but let politicians not lead the teams. Zambia Railways project failed mainly due to political interference. Can politicians swallow their pride and engage the professor? Why wait we can do it as a country.

  7. The Professor has got a clear record and his legacy is traceable.

    The best thing you can do is to have an appointment with the President. Already just this write up the President of the Republic of Zambia His Excellency Dr Hakainde Hichilema has already seen it I am sure we will hear some good news where you will be invited even in person or virtually for this very important venture. You are right some of these people in some offices are a let down to the PRESIDENT and the people of Zambia however the President obviously seen this and we hope to hear more good news coming out of it.

    This PRESIDENT is different from those who tolerated the cadres who misused the Eurobond for Zambia Railways and mistreated you.

    • Pls lets know the truth. How is he any different from those “cadres”.
      Lets know what happened to the Eurobond money. He was at Zambia Railways when it happened. Why did he not speak up? Today we must ignore what happened when we dont know? Let him explain with making appointments. Didnt the former Zesco chair explain to us publicly? Did he make appointments to go and brown nose for a job?

  8. Professor chirwa your advice will not be taken
    Seriously as you did not implement the railway
    Project.once beaten twice shy.

  9. This man failed to himself when ba Sata put him in charge of ZRL. Who in their right sense of mind would put him in charge in that position he is seeking? Good ideas this man has but can’t implement

  10. The biggest problem we have is that politicians do not like people with greater ideas than they have, we have great people like Clive, Ndambo and many more, but what politicians see is rivalry. Remember Kavindele wanted to do a railway line many decades ago but was blocked because politicians only looked at the threat of him being more popular

  11. Please, give Professor Chirwa a chance. Even if he fails five times. Why are we so hard on our own people? Others come here and dupe us and we still give them a second and third chance.

    THE Zambia Railways saga was not his fault. He barely stayed three months at Zambia Railways before he was hounded out. Not enough time to have any impact.

    The man should not be pleading to help.


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