Social values in Zambia: Are we ready to be a gay country?- Dr Lubinda Haabazoka


By Dr Lubinda Haabazoka

Social values in Zambia: Are we ready to be a gay country?

The silence of many stakeholders that advocate for good morals in the country over this “sexual acts” case is very surprising.

We have a case where a Zambian has petitioned the constitutional court to to declare illegal the laws we have had since independence banning same sex relations. Now this issue has caused a lot of noise in Zambia in the past when governments have hinted to entertain such activities.

But right now, we have an active case in which the constitutional court has ruled that this matter has merit to be heard and since been sent to a single judge!

Such matters ideally should be heard by the full bench so that there is consensus!

Zambia risks legalising same sex relations overnight depending on the outcome of the case and everyone is quiet. The three church mother bodies have asked to be joined to the case.

The churches in general have been quiet over this issue. NGOs mute! Think tanks mute when just a single guy with an unknown motive has set in motion a situation where we risk seeing men kissing each other in front of our children in shooing malls!

The role of a government is to protect social values and as such, it’s only important that government and many stakeholders join the case to ensure we defend ourselves against the highest form of immorality!



  1. The fact that the courts allowed this petition to go ahead says alot .Atleast not a Bemba, Neot an Easterner allowed the nonsense of gayism. Zambians take note !


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