Edgar Lungu created a vacancy for PF presidency and I occupied it – Miles Sampa


Lungu created a vacancy for PF presidency and I occupied it – Miles

MATERO member of parliament Miles Sampa says former President Edgar Lungu relinquished his position as PF president and left a vacancy which he later occupied after he was elected during the party’s convention last year.

Sampa said he never caused damage to party property and he holds himself as president and secretary general because he was duly elected.

In this matter, Mporokoso member of parliament Brian Mundubile and eight others are challenging his presidency seeking an order for the restoration of the register of the party’s leadership at the Registrar of Societies to its status quo prior to his election on October 24, 2023.

In his defense, Sampa says the convention was held in line with the party’s procedure and the
manner by which an extra ordinary general conference is held is different from that of a general conference.

“Former president Edgar Lungu did not give written “notice of intention” to resign as party president, but in fact tendered his written resignation as party president pursuant to Article 53 of the party’s constitution, and thereby relinquished all functions and responsibilities associated with the said position , leaving a vacancy for the position of the party president,” Sampa said.

“Lungu continued to hold the position of party president following his resignation from the same position. Following the resignation of former President as party president,a vacancy in the office of the party president subsisted until the defendant was elected as his successor at the party’s extraordinary general conference held on October 24.”

He said it is standard procedure that before the change of office bearers in a political party, registered under the societies Act, it is a requirement that all the office bearers be granted police clearance.

“The Registrar of Societies is a public office which acts independently of the defendant’s influence or direction,” Sampa said.

Sampa said as the duly elected substantive president of the Patriotic Front, he is entitled to enforce disciplinary measures against members of the party.

He said the courts have already guided that the issues raised in the matter ought to be resolved within the party, and not in court.

By Mwaka Ndawa

Kalemba August 23, 2024


  1. Whatever you have say Miles Sampa we have written you off. Lies. A week cant end without you writting an article that projects you. Rather egocentric

    • Written Sampa off from which cesspool? PF is now a confirmed cesspool, was wondering when you pfools would come out in the open!!!

  2. Sampa Sampa Sampa! You have really disappointed a lot of people. With or without PF, this unfortunately marks the end of your political career because no one will ever trust you.


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